Starting Off

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It Was a usual day at the DWMA, You often went to bed on time, to wake up early of course. But not last night, it seemed sleeping for only 2 hours screwed your whole day up. You studied all night last night, you woke up late, you tripped on your way to class, and you forgot your lunch. So,today was just overall shitty. You were so tired, your head pounding..You we're trying to remember why you stayed up so late..."THE EXAM IS TODAY!" You accidentally Shouted, banging your fist on the desk,...You hadn't even realized Stein was talking before, he stared at you in silence,"Miss y/n, do we have a problem?" He asked, you didn't answer,still in your own little world. "Y/N.." maka whispers next to you, you snapped out of it, "Oh!..y-yes sir!.." you managed to blurt out.he looked at you, knowing that you weren't paying attention,"Meet me after class,y/n." He said, going back to talking.

Steins POV: After I was so rudely interrupted by Miss Y/N, I continued speaking,"as you all know, thanks to Miss y/n, the Written Exam is today. You don't all have that much time ,not to pressure you but... Start!" I said spinning around In my chair and starting the timer, of corse I can't forget about black*star being hung by the shirt near the chalk bored by sid, covered in blood and bruises.


We all rushed to start on the test, I quickly got stuck on one of the questions, "I studied so am I stuck already.."  I mumbled. I was
so caught up By The question I didn't notice the chaos around me. Maka was still doing the test, almost finished actually, soul was sitting in his underwear, Kid was passed out,Patty was scribbling with crayon, she had used the yellow quite a bit..,Liz was doing her eyebrows and nails, and tsubaki looked to worried to do anything. I started answering more questions, I had only five left, I glanced at the timer, "03" it read.,....SHIT! ONLY THREE MINUTES???? I took my best guess on all of them rushing through not even knowing what I'm doing, the timer made a dinging noise, Times up! Sid shouted, everyone dropping their pens and pencils. Now for the results..just gotta wait for the results

~Time skip~

Now I had to go meet professor Stein after
Class, after everyone had left. I walked up to his desk "yes s-sir what did you need me for?" I asked trying not to seem scared "Will he dissect me??? Stab me??? Why am I here??" The thoughts all echo through my head. " here." He stood up and slid me a piece paper "I want you to write "I will pay attention in class" 645 times." He said and smiled "wha-!? That's crazy!!" I shouted without thinking. He pinned me to the wall and leaned in to my ear "well if you don't.." he said licking his lips "I'll just have to.." he was about to bite down on my ear "to...-...Dissect you!" He said smiling, pulling away and sitting down and spinning in his chair.. perhaps a little too much because then he fell and the chair fell on his stomach.

♡Time skip brought to you by black☆star jumping around and screaming "time skip"♡

Y/N Pov

After I finished, my hands were numb..    I put the paper on professor steins desk,  and started walking through to the door
When all the sudden I heard "leaving so soon..?" Along with a door opening and closing behind me  "yes sir, I finished." I said turning my head towards him "is that so?.." he said twisting the screw in his head and glancing at the paper, a crazed look in his eyes.. "acceptable, you may leave now, don't let it happen again tomorrow."  "Yes sir." I said walking out the door and nodding my head.

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