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Stefanias pov

I loved Danielle a lot, but I will never forgive her for the way she left me. It completely broke me; how could she leave me without an explanation. I always thought she was the love of my life, but I guess not.

I didn't notice how much time had passed by but all of a sudden, I notice it was now nighttime. It was cold and decide I should head home. I walk off the beach and head to the car, I had left my phone in the car and I notice I have missed calls and messages from Leco.

Leco-"where are you "
Leco-"you need to let me know where you are"
Leco-"Answer your phone!!"
Leco-"stop fucking ignoring me"
Leco-"you know what idc where you are, I'm going out"

I didn't feel like texting back so I just opened the message and that's it. I was just sitting in the car when I start getting flooded with memories of me and Danielle. I start to remember our first date, it was a picnic at a flower field. It was the best date I have been on.

Me and Danielle met when we were in our 20's. Our old friends introduced us to each other and me and her bonded well, then I noticed that I didn't see her as a friend I saw her more than a friend.
After a couple of months, I knew her I finally had the courage to finally tell her, but I was surprised when she said she liked me also.

We started dating a week later after confessing our feelings to each other.

4 months later we decided to move in with each other, yes I know it was fast but we were both ready.

We lived with each other for less than a yr. I started to notice Danielle was being distant and not as close to me as we used to be. Then one day I came back from work and I saw all of her stuff was gone and all I saw was a letter left on the table saying
Dear, Stefania
I'm sorry I had to end things this way and not give you an actual explanation why. I love you so very much and will forever have a special place in my heart. You made me the happiest person in the world, I'm so grateful for all the memories we made because I was finally happy for once in my life.

Your personality was so amazing, you're such a happy and funny person. The way you smiled always made me smile because it was cute, every time I heard your laugh it made me feel safe with you and happy to be with you. I will miss you a lot and never forget about you.

I hope the next person who gets to be with you, is as happy as I was when I was with you and loves you so much more. You deserve all the happiness in the world and the good in the world. 

Again I'm sorry things had to end like this... 

Love you forever, Danielle <3

That letter completely broke, I had lost the only person I loved. It took me a while to get over her and I really never got over her but then I met leco ad he made me happy.

I finally was on my way home, after a little bit I got home.

I took a shower and put some clothes on and see that it was 10 o'clock I didn't have to teach tomorrow cause the students had off so I decided to lay on the sofa and watch tv. I was emotionally and physically drained after today so I decided to go to sleep.

Danielle's pov

Seeing stef brought me back to when I was younger and the memories I had with her.

I really ruined the best relationship I had with her, just because of my mom and abusive dad. I never wanted to tell her why I left but I knew she deserves an explanation because if I was her I would want one.

She made me feel happy and loved all the time.

I wanna talk to her again and tell her how sorry I am for what I did, but I don't know how I can convince her to talk to me.
I'm honestly hoping I can see her around again but she might try to avoid me.

I really loved her she meant the world to me and losing that affected me mentally, but it was my fault for ruining it.

I wanna see how stef is doing, so I go to Instagram and type in her name and there her username pops up *spampistefania* I click her profile and look through her photos.

She's still gorgeous as ever, I love the aesthetic she has but then I come across this picture she posted with a guy down on one knee and her crying and the caption saying
"Happiest moment in my life 🤍💍"

I go to swipe to the next post and accidentally like it.
I started to freak out and panic because that post was from 1 yr ago. She's gonna think I'm stalking her. I sigh frustrated and decide to gts.

Stefanías pov

I wake up to someone in the living room and I know it's Leco.
I check the time and see that it's 9 in the morning, but then I see my Instagram notifications, and it saying *dsavre liked your post 10 hrs ago*. I start to think why tf is she liking my stuff and viewing my stuff, I was annoyed.

I go to the living room and see my husband laid out on the sofa.

"Hey babe glad to see you alive," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Stop it I don't have the time for this RN leave me alone," I said back.

"Chill out dude it's a joke," he said.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I  get a text message from Barrett saying

Barrett🤎-"hey wanna go out tonight I need to go and have fun"

Stef -" Sureee I'm down I need a break"

Barrett🤎-"okay see you tonight!!!"

I liked her message and decided to try and go back to sleep so I don't have to deal with my husband.

I drifted off into my sleep...

Hiii, okay so the next chapter will have more drama... I might start writing it later on and maybe if I finish I'll post it <33

I wonder what drama is gonna unfold?!....

We belong togetherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें