Part 6 - Our First Lesson

Start from the beginning

Senzaemon walked off stage

Erina ( off stage): I feel sorry for all of you in the same generation as me, cause from the moment you were born, you were fated for second place. Only one will reach Tōtsuki's summit and reign supreme over the Japanese culinary world: Me, Erina Nakari.

Urara: and finally I'd like to introduce the 2 transfer students
Soma walked on stage
Erina (off stage): some must have passed through a different reviewer huh? Soma Yukihira it irks me just to even think about it well no matter i'll never set my eyes on him again
Soma: so I will make this short and quick because I'm sure yall need to get back to you studies
Erina recognised the voice and turned towards the stage to see Soma standing there giving a speech
Soma: um my name is Soma Yukihira. And well to be honest it's an honor to be here as a stepping stone in my career, now sure my transfer was unexpected but I still don't plan to lose to people who've never even stood infront of a coustmer. I mean common am I right. In a nutshell, now that I'm  here I might as well snag the top seat in this school
Student 143: is he serious !
Student 15: he is so stupid!
Student 8: what is an idiot like him doing in this school!
Soma: alrighty lookin' forward to the next 3 years. See a few of you at graduation
Whilst Soma was existing the stage the student started howlling insults at him and curses they all had a Suprise and annoyed expression.

Soma was now off stage with Erina

Soma: wow I'm glad I got through that.
Urara: calm down everyone.
The Students were still shouting
Urara: common guys calm down
The students continued to shout
Urara: I SAID SHUT UP!!!
Everyone went silent as she fixed herself
And cleared her throat
Urara: so now we will here from our final transfer Student.
No one came up on stage the students looked confused
Urara: um, maybe she is just shy miss  Y/n Nightingale can you please come up on stage
No-one came up. One of the security went behind to check if anyone was
there but no-one could be seen
Security: miss there is no one there
Urara: but it says we have another students. We'll any way a final congratulations on getting into Tōtsuki.

Back with Soma and Erina

Soma: so she did get in. Wow I'm really stoked now we can battle
Soma smiled at the thought of a battel between you and him
Soma: But we're is she she didn't go on stage. Hmmm. Oh its you. Its Nakari right. I sure was nervous out there! Did I do good or what. When I was a kid getting awards always made me uncomfortable
Erina: I don't understand how the hell did you get in I said your food was horrible!! I failed you
Soma: I was thinking the same thing but I got a letter saying otherwise I guess my food was actually delicious.
Honestly if you find a food delicious 😋 you should just own up and say it because its very embarrassing
Erina: NO! This is all wrong
Soma: stop being a spoilt brat
Erina: I will make my self clear I do not approve of this decision. Not of you or you pesant cooking! This is obviously done system error do it is only by luck that you are here so understand that your cooking could never be to the Tōtsuki standards.
Soma: listen one thing I hate the most is people talking down on my cooking I have spent 12 years cooking. You calling my food disgusting and slandering our restaurant name is something I will not accept I will show you and this entire school that my cooking out weighs theres and will take that top spot at Tōtsuki. And they will remember the name Yukihira.

Senzaemon was in the background smiling to himself

Senzaemon: haha the second meet

With Yuki and Ryuoko walking into the schools building

Yuki: wow that transfer student was something else huh?
Ruyoko: mmh, still that might be the kind of attitude it takes to make it at the Academy and snag the top spot
Yuki: Good point! We will just have to kill it to won't we megumi.

My Lover Yet My Rival : Soma Yukihira x Black Reader First PlateWhere stories live. Discover now