cнapтer 9 - 'we're вeιng groυnded.'

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HIIIIIIIII! *Southern accent* How y'all doin today? *Minnesotan accent* I hope you all are good! (if you've never heard a minnesotan accent before... IT'S PRETTY COOL! NO LIE! Go look it up ;))

Here is a... BANANA.


Noooo, silly Sarah this isn't a banana. It's a giraffe!!



Sooooooooo ENJOY! Don't forget to vote and comment my home skillet biscuits. I really love the feedback so keep it up!! LOVE YOU HOMIES!! <3

P.S. - This chapter is dedicated to the WONDERFUL @TheFallenWillRise for the AMAZING banner on the side <3 She's pretty cool and has some AWESOME stories (my fave is 'Given Hope'.. just sayin ;))... sooooo GO CHECK HER OUT!! :3

P.P.S - There's some pretty heavy cursing throughout this chapter so bewareeeeee ;)




"Do any of you have any idea why you're all here?" Jim Tomkins, the head of our management team, asks.

The question nags something in the back of my mind, but I ignore it; my thoughts focused on Isabelle. How she looked when I woke up; her hair wildly splayed out on a pillow and her dress hiked up to right below her bum. A tightness in my lower region draws my attention and I quickly clear that image from my mind. I shift over to thinking of Isabelle and I's next date.

Hmmmm, ideas, ideas. I need ideas. Bowling? Nah. What about-

"Harry?" Tomkins asks. The other three management people in the room glare at me.

"Uhm, Nope." I reply distractedly, the nagging sensation now being doubled. My stomach churns as I realize something's not right and my full attention is brought to our management team.

"It's too early for this. Can we just get to the point, please?" Zayn says, looking annoyed.

"Sure." Tomkins says, his voice ice cold.

This isn't going to be good.

He reaches over to his computer that's on the table in front of us and clicks a button. Across from him, a picture is suddenly displayed on a smart board. "This was spread throughout the entire world yesterday at 8:15 pm."

Oh yeah. This is not good at all.

The picture on the screen is of me. Me and Isabelle.

Shit. I knew I forgot about something.

It was the picture Lynn took. I'm holding Isabelle's hand, my head facing my car. Yet, my curls clearly give away who I am. Isabelle on the other hand, is looking directly at the camera, her beauty on full display. However, her face is consumed by a look of utter confusion.

I groan internally and bow my head. Fuck.

"What the hell!" Zayn exclaims.

"Harry!" Louis shouts.

"I fucking knew it." Liam grits.

"Great." Niall says dejectedly.

Eventually the cacophony of noise dissipates as quiet settles around us, everyone calming down. "Listen guys, I'm-" I begin.

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