Episode 3

556 19 2

Nat narrates:

I don't understand why my own mother blamed me for my father's death; though that's what hurts the least right now. A couple of days later, I hardly spoke to my mom anymore, I couldn't forgive her for accusing me of our pain.

- Hi Nathan!

-Max! I thought you wouldn't come anymore.

- We're going out to dinner.

- Don't worry! A babysitter will come to take care of you. - Says my mom.

- No, no, no, no... Let's see, I said I invited you to dinner.

- Are you saying you don't want to go alone with me?

- Exactly!... Nat, come. I will help you choose clothes.

- I don't have fancy clothes; and you should go alone with her.

Then she grabbed me by the hand, takes me to her car, surprised I get in the back seat and see the annoyance on my mother's face. But Max didn't care, we passed by a teen suit store, there he asked me to get the best of all and to be carved quickly.

Having fitted my suit, Max paid, it was really expensive, but he took out his card and it looked like it was just pennies to him. Then we went to the car again, my mom didn't even look at me, and when we got to the restaurant, everyone paid attention to me.

-Her table is ready Mr. Saran, for three, like... But what a cute little man! Is she his son?

-No, he is my friend; his name is Nat.

- Nice to meet you Nat, I'm Any.

- Hello Any, the pleasure is mine.

- And I'm Max's girlfriend. - That felt really awkward.

- She's Nat's mother.

That was the most awkward scene I've ever seen with my mom, but Max didn't let it ruin the moment. There were too many rules of etiquette to follow, and what I did was go by what Max did; but my mother scolded me every two seconds.

- I'll take Nat for a moment.

- Where we go?

- Over there... It's canoe rides, would you like it?

-It is not necessary, he is too expensive and my son already has enough with dinner, right Nat? - I did want to go.

- My mom is right, don't worry; I am fine.

- I'll still take you.

She once again takes me by the hand to give me a ride, it was exciting and very nice, although it was just an excuse. I knew it, because I saw them very tense from the canoe, I think Max just wanted to separate me from her so she wouldn't keep looking at me that way.

We came back home; Mom keeps treating me like I'm her worst enemy and that makes me feel so miserable. The death of my father changed many things, but I never imagined that I would become a hindrance to my own mother.

A couple of months passed, when they got married; I was hiding during the party, this hurts me so much. I only hoped that my mom would make him happy, but I forgot that she wants to be alone with him, that is to say that in her life, I am too much; and she got upset when Max went out alone with me.

- I must go to the office; I'll drop you off at home and then I'll go.

Max had us living like kings, in a mansion that looked more like a palace; and that he was only five minutes from the office. As he told me, he went there, I waited a few minutes before going in; and my mom received me like a caged beast.

- Where's Max?

-He went to the office, they called him.

- Why do you spend so much time with him? huh? Do you want to steal it from me?

- He was the one who told me to go out and I don't want to take anyone away from you.

- I'll teach you to speak to me with respect!

I hid my face, with the blow he gave me, I felt my shoulder burn from the force he used to unload his anger on me. I start to cry because of the pain, I begged him not to do it again; but I only caused him to raise his hand again; I hide again, until...

- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! - Max yells getting between her and me.

- You disrespected me! So you need a lesson.

- Even if I had disrespected you, this is not the way.

- Are you taking away my authority in front of my son?

- You can have authority without hitting him, let it be the first and last time you raise your hand to him!

My mom left furious, in reality I don't know her anymore, she is not the good and generous woman who had married my father. Although now I have someone who defends me, it still hurts too much to treat her, it's as if I were a complete stranger.

But, there I am dumbfounded by Max, when we go out for ice cream, when he picks me up at school, and he reads my father's books to me to sleep. Because he always has something new to give me, saying that I am the best friend he has ever had and that is special.

However, now that he is the man of the house, my mother no longer works and she thinks she is the lady of high society. She treats me like she's trash, she even said that she wishes I was dead like my father, so she could enjoy all of this, without sharing it with me.

- When did you become so cruel mom?

- Your father only left me problems; including you.

- It is not true! My father left almost five million inheritance for me and you as executor... What did you do with my inheritance mom?

- What do you think I've kept you? Ungrateful!

- I don't understand you mom, why do you treat me like that?

Then my mom picks up my diary, which by the way had no available pages; and she starts to break it. She looks at me with deep hatred, but I don't want her to break it, it's my feelings for him; she soon she stops damaging him, i thought she would stop however she set him on fire.

- Did you want to steal my husband?

- No, mom, I didn't want to do that, I swear... - I cry for my diary.

- I'll give you a lesson you'll never forget brat!

At which point, she grabs my shirt, leads me into the room Max gave me, and pulls out some of my clothes. Then we go to hers, she does the exact same thing; she gets me in the car and starts driving like crazy, in my desperation memories come to my mind.

A month ago, to prevent my mom from treating me badly, Max gave me a cell phone and told me to let him know if anything happened. I call him, I make my mom discuss with me so he knows all this and then I send him a message; but she discovered me and threw the cell phone out the window.

- It's up to me, that you and Max don't see each other again...

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