Lost Sisters.

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"Sometimes i can't even believe that you're my own daughter!" A voice resounded from inside a small house, in a little and barely known village of a far land. Such an unusual and cruel way for a mother to talk to her daughter, but it was nothing Janet wasn't used to.

Janet was a 14 years old girl, a very charismatic person. When she could, she'd always smile, make jokes, and dream big. But most of the time, she just could not be how she wanted to be. Her parents were very poor. And she knew that if she weren't poor, she wouldn't be living in an unknown village. And maybe she would have a family that actually loved her.
Every day, Janet had to endure her parent's inhuman behavior toward her: her mother just hated her, and truly, she never figured out why. Her father had a small job with decent pay as a worker in a facility, but he'd spend most of his money on alcohol, which often brought to fights inside of the house. So usually, either her mother and her father were yelling at the top of their lungs, or she had to bear with their suppressive and unjust rules.

Janet hated her life. She hated her mother. She hated her father.

But she had one joy. In her miserable life, she had a small spark of hope, someone she really loved with her whole embodiment and cared for. She had a little sister, 5 years old. Her name was Bonnie. Bonnie was a sweet, precious, and kind girl. She had a big heart and a pretty hyperactive behavior. But she lived with Janet. And she had to deal with the same problems her sibling had.

Despite that, Janet would do anything in her power to protect her. More often than not, she had been willing to take beatings for her. Because she hated the sight of her little sister being hurt in any way.

She did not want to see her suffer. So she preferred to suffer herself, to keep her safe.

That night didn't seem to be any different than usual. Janet was having a very bitter argument with her mother. The woman had caught her daughter trying to get some food for herself from the fridge, but the house rules spoke clear and sound: no taking food without an adult's permission. To any person, such a rule would seem bizarre, crazy, almost satiric. But as we said before, Janet had to deal with this, and much worse.

"I was hungry, okay!? I just wanted to eat something, for God's sake!" Janet yelled in her defense, knowing very well she was in the right.

A quick movement of hand tried to hit her in the face, but she had seen it coming (she had answered back to her parent after all, if she could even call her that), so she swiftly dodged it. But that just seemed to make her mother even more furious.

"When you're in this house, you follow MY rules, am I clear, you brat?!" She exclaimed.
"Your rules suck! You can't prevent me from eating, what is wrong with you!?" Janet answered, snapping back at her, being at her limit.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT THIS HOUSE'S RULES YOU LITTLE SHIT!?" Her mother tried to reach her neck and grab it, and scared, the teenager backed off, keeping her distance, almost as if her own mother wanted to choke her to death. And maybe she did want to.

She couldn't take it anymore. She was just too afraid and angry. She had dealt with her family long enough.

"I HATE YOU!" She screamed as loudly as she could, with all her might. After saying those words, she kept quiet for a few seconds. She was trying to calm down, she hadn't really realized what she had just caused. But she did feel a little better, knowing that at last, she had found the courage to tell her mother how she truly felt about her. Unfortunately for her, things from there on were about to only get worse.

Her mother went to the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife. She looked completely out of her mind. Furious, and crazy.


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