Easy Days

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The next morning, Kaitlynn woke up and started getting the house ready for the kids. She yawned rubbing her eyes and started gathering some toys when she felt her hand lighten. She looked over and saw Khan starting to get things ready. "Get some sleep love, I'll get things ready for the kids" he said in a soft, caring tone of voice.

Kaitlynn smiled softly and she nodded her head. She walked over to her and Khan's bedroom and she laid down. She felt her eyes close and she started to fall asleep.

A few hours later, Kaitlynn woke up hearing the sound of children's laughter. She got up and made her way out, upon seeing Jim in a clown's outfit entertaining the kid's. Kaitlynn laughed watching this occur as Khan said "Yeah, he does this alot"

Kaitlynn walked over to the kids and sat down watching them play with Jim. After another hour, Kaitlynn said "Alright kids! Time for nap time"

The kids immediately listened to her and they made their way into the room specifically designated for the kids' nap time. Kaitlynn walked up to Jim with a wash cloth and she said "Call me crazy but I think you have become a changed man"

And as she said this she wiped the makeup off of Jim's face. He sighed, trying to catch his breath saying "Yeah and those kids wear ya out. How do you manage?"

Kaitlynn chuckled, taking off the big, fake, red nose off of her brother and she said "Natural born mom"

Jim smirked and he said "Is Max ready?"

"I believe so hang on" Kaitlynn said. Then she said loudly "Max! Uncle Jim is ready!"

Max made his way out of the room wearing a red tshirt with black fancy designs and small black basketball shorts with green going up the side and his black running shoes and Kaitlynn spiked his black hair up. Jim, now wearing a brown tshirt and black jeans and black and white running shoes, was standing there waiting for his nephew.

"Hi Uncle Jim" Max said.

"Hey bud ready for the zoo?" Jim asked with a smile.

Max smiled, looking up at Jim, and he nodded his head 'yes'. Then Jim took Max's little hand and they made their way out of the apartment. Khan looked over at Kaitlynn saying "He's spoiling our son.."

"No he'e not" Kaitlynn lightly defended him.

"Uhm yes he does" Khan said with a chuckle. "This is the third time Jim's taken him to the zoo"

"So? He's trying to make up for lost time" Kaitlynn said.

"Yeah well he's lucky it's not a school night" Khan said. Kaitlynn walked over to her husband and she said "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?"

"I am ready" Khan said, motioning to his attire. He was wearing a white tank top, faded blue jeans and tan work boots. His jet black hair was slicked back and he had a towel sticking out of his back pocket. Kaitlynn smiled then she said "That's my working man"

Khan smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "How many years have we been married?" Khan asked.

Kaitlynn raised an eyebrow at her husband and she asked him "Seriously?"

"I want to see if you remember" Khan said with a sly smile. Kaitlynn smiled and she said "Next week makes 10 years"

"Good I can give you your present then" he said. Kaitlynn said "A present?"

"Mhm. Love I want you to go to the bridal shop and pick out a wedding dress" Khan said softly.

"Why?" Kaitlynn asked curiously.

Khan rubbed her sides saying "It's part of the surprise"

"Alright," Kaitlynn said. "I'll pick it up later while you're at work"

Khan smiled then he pressed his lips against hers, sharing a sweet yet loving kiss. After a few moments, she pulled away and she said "I gotta go watch the kids"

"Alright love, be careful" Khan said. Then she made her way to the room where the kids were. Khan quickly pulled out his phone and he called Jim.

"Hello?" Jim answered.

"Hey are you guys at the hall?" Khan asked, rubbing the side of his jeans with his hand.

"Yes, everything is prepared for you guys. Are you sure she's gonna handle it?" Jim asked.

"Don't worry, I have everything all planned out." Khan reassured his brother-in-law.

Jim asked "Does she even know that the ring you got her a few months back is an engagement ring?"

Khan smirked. He bought Kaitlynn a 7 karot diamond engagement ring with a band but he told her it was a much better ring than the ruby ring he gave her almost 10 years ago. "No she doesn't and I plan on keeping it that way." Lhan said.

"Alright good" Jim said. "Hope you don't mind me and Max are gonna hang back for a bit"

"Fine just don't break anything" Khan said. Then he hung up.

Kaitlynn and Ashley made their way to the bridal shop. "I wonder why Khan wanted me to pick out a dress here?" Kaitlynn asked her friend.

"Must be for something huge" Ashely said.

The women enter the bridal shop and the woman at the front desk said "Are you Kaitlynn Harrison?"

"Yes I am" Kaitlynn said.

"We have you schedueled for a fitting. And as I understand you're pregnant?" The woman asked.

"Yes I'm about... 5 months pregnant" Kaitlynn said. Then the woman named Jamie brought Kaitlynn and Ashley over and she started handing the dresses to her. After a few tries, Kaitlynn finally walked out. She was in a form fitting, white lace dress. The train was long and there was no back to it and the sleeves were long as well. There was no strap on the waist so it was easy on her growing belly. When she walked out, Ashley squealed and she said "Oh My God! This is it that's the dress!"

Kaitlynn smiled and she said looking down at it "You really think so?"

"I know so" Ashley said. Then Kaitlynn looked at Jamie and she said "I'll take this one then"

Jamie nodded her head and then she went to the register as Kaitlynn made her way to the dresser. She changed back into her regular clothes and then met Ashley at the register. After paying for the dress, Jamie put the dress and veil in the long black bag and handed it to Kaitlynn. She thanked the young girl and the two women made their way out to the car.

Hi Guys!!

The picture is what Kaitlynn's wedding dress looks like. Think Khan's surprise will go off on a good note? Or will things crumble and fall?


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