Chapter 11

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Joshie: w..w...what? *gasps* o..oh no, not another dream

Joshie's Mother: Joshie? Why would do this to us?

Joshie: What do you mean?

Joshie's Mother: you didn't care about us and now we've passed away because of you. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

Joshie: NOOOO!!! Please i..I'm sorry

Joshie's Father: you have failed us

Joshie's Mother: your not are son anymore, You.are.just.a.loser!

Joshie: NO!!! *sobs* IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!

End of dream.

Joshie: AHHHHH!!!!!!! O..oww

Joshie put his arm on his other arm as he clenched his teeth, it was still in a little bit of pain.

Joshie: A...another dumb nightmare

Rocky woke up as he yawns and gets out of the bed they were sleeping on, Joshie got up aswell and felt upset.

Rocky: hey Joshie good morning, how'd you sleep?

Joshie: i..I had a..another nightmare a...and this time I dreamed about my parents saying that i..I was a bad son

Rocky: awww I'm really sorry bud, nightmares aren't fun at all, and that one sounds like a really bad dream

Joshie: i..I'm sick and tired of these bad dreams, I just want to have good dreams

Rocky: I'm sure you'll have one soon

Chase: good morning you two, is Joshie ready for the special day?

Rocky: I hope, he just a bad dream

Chase: oh boy, let's hope it cheers him up

Rocky: yeah me too

Ryder: guys ready to head on out?

Joshie: where are we going to?

Skye: that Joshie is a surprise

Joshie: I love surprises

Rubble: who doesn't

They all hopped on board the PAW patroler and head on out to the special location for today. Before they could even get to it, they got called for a mission.

Rocky: ohhh I thought we were going to the special spot to show Joshie?

Ryder: well unfortunately we have to do this first, but don't worry pups we'll get there once we're done

He head on over to city hall, only to see The Caring Patrol there as they took care of the mission for them.

Rachel: hey PAW Patrol long time no see

Pocky: no need to help us on this mission we already got it covered

Chase: ohh well I guess we can continue down the road

Skye: they did the job for us

Marshall: they are so cool

Zuma: they are going to take are job

Rubble: wait a minute is this why we are going to be out of business?

Rachel: uhhh duhh what do you think? Adventure Bay thinks your no longer popular enough to keep Adventure Bay safe

Marshall: that's just ridiculous, they would never do that

Fizz: ohhhh but they are and you'll all be sent to foster homes to never be seen again

Joshie: come on guys let's just go, let them be mean to us

Rocky: are you ok?

Joshie: separate foster homes? We will be separated and will never see each other again a..and I love you guys *tears up*

Skye: oh Joshie we are going to be together no matter what

Zuma: yeah dude so don't listen to them

Murshall: whatever you guys aren't going to be a team anymore

Joshie: no we will be together though thick and thin

Rachel: we'll see about that with the mission contest happens next weekend

Joshie looked worried as everyone went over to and to comfort him, this was very problematic, would they no longer be a team or would stay as the PAW Patrol?

To be continued

Joshie Joins The PAW Patrol Part 2Where stories live. Discover now