Chapter 8

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Joshie: Huh? Where am I?

?: your trapped here with me

Joshie: this is just a bad dream

?: it's not and you are going to be stuck here forever with me RALPH!!!!

Joshie: nooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Ralph: yes

Joshie: someone help me!!!!

Ralph: unfortunately no one can save you not even those mutts

Joshie: your wrong they always help people

Ralph: not you this time

Joshie: w...why?

Ralph: they hate you now, they hate that you didn't save them and you let them down, you were worried about your parents then to save your friends

Joshie: b...but they would understand

Ralph: ohh but they didn't and now they hate you and they aren't your friends anymore

Joshie: e...e..even Rocky?

Ralph: especially Rocky, you left him to drown in the water after a terrible accident

Joshie: please

Ralph: I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do now, your here with me now HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Joshie: NOOOOO!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! AHHHAAAA!!!!!!!!

Rocky: JOSHIE!!?!?!

Joshie: *gasps* R..rocky?

Rocky: JOSHIE!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

Joshie startled awake and had Tears in his eyes, Rocky saw he was in distress and he tried comforting him.

Joshie: please don't h..hate me

Rocky: what's wrong Joshie?

Joshie: I had a bad dream that I was in a dark place and Ralph was the only one with me, he then told me that you guys hate me because I couldn't save you and now I would be all a...alone

He started to choke up his words as tears flowed down his face, Rocky gave him a hug as Joshie was crying.

Rocky: awww Joshie it's ok, nobody hates you pal, I promise that you are loved always, we would never hate you, in fact that is a strong word for us to say to you and never say it in general

Joshie: e..even to Humdinger?

Rocky: exactly as weird as that sounds, and I still love you Joshie it's what pups always do they love unconditionally and You I love you unconditionally buddy, just like the other pups and Ryder

Joshie started to smile as he then stretched and Rocky yawned, it was breakfast time and everyone came out to eat. Ryder then entered the room as he told Joshie he needed to borrow him for a ride.

Joshie: where are we going?

Ryder: I have decided to get a bigger breakfast for everyone so that is why you are coming with me

Joshie: ok mmmmm a bigger breakfast we are going to be so full

Rubble: not me though I'm still going to be hungry

Everyone laughed as Ryder and Joshie entered the PAW patroler and drove off to the store.

Rocky: *sighs* poor Joshie I can't believe he had a dream like that

Zuma: what do you mean bro?

Rocky: Joshie had a bad dream last night about Ralph and he was telling Joshie that we hated him

Skye: awww that's awful, we don't hate him though thank goodness

Marshall: you know what let's have him play truth or Dare with us, that will show we care for him

Rocky: no because we are going to fight if the game becomes intense and we will end up hating Joshie some how

Marshall: then we got to find a more friendly thing to do with him

Chase: I think I know what we can do together, how about drawing?

Rocky: that's more like it

Skye: do you know how we hated him in his dream?

Rocky: no but if I had to guess it's probably because he failed a mission or he couldn't help us

Skye: awww I feel bad for him

Rocky: me too, I hope we never end up hating each other

Zuma: I hope so too dude, hey Rocky?

Rocky: yeah Zuma?

Zuma: tag your it!

Rocky: ohhh your on Zuma

Zuma ran away and Rocky started to chase him around the yard, everyone else did there on thing as they waited for Ryder and Joshie to return. But little did anyone know someone was following Ryder and Joshie to the restaurant.

Ralph: let's see how we can ruin those twos day again hehehe

To Be Continued.

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