Protection (Monsters and Mortals AU)

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Doug was running around the place looking for the crystal shards in order to leave the area, as he looked around he saw Lucky running by. Doug thought it would be a perfect time for revenge sense last time Lucky full speed punched him. Doug noticed that his power is full so he decided to sneak up to Lucky then wait until his guard is down. As Doug was sneaking up to Lucky, he noticed that Lucky was alone exploring the place. "Wasn't he with Penny or Hangry not too long ago?" Doug wondered to himself. He shook his head and focus on what he had to do, it shouldn't hurt doing pay back, right? Doug sneaks up to Lucky as he was ready to activate his power. Before he can take action, he hears something whooshing within the air then turned quickly to the left. A knife flew quickly near Doug's face that only fitted his front hair off. Doug stared in fear as he turned to the left and sees a figure with a bunny mask on. He could've sworn it looked like a female that is younger than himself, she didn't look entirely a monster but at the same time she didn't look like someone friendly either. Lucky turned to the figure then said, "Ahem, what did we talk about?" The figure putted her knife back on her belt where she holds them then nods. Lucky rolled his eyes then sighed before he snaps with his fingers. "The mortal was doing a threat attack, I had to defend you." The lady said. So Doug is assuming that this girl must be Lucky's bodyguard or something. "Did he already know what I was going to do?" Doug wondered to himself. Doug snapped back to reality when Lucky said, "Look Clove, I don't need your help. I'm Lucky after all! I never lose." "Clove?" Doug wondered to himself, "Is that what her name is?" Doug looked at Lucky then looked a Clove as she gave a bow to Lucky to respect him. "Now, did you get the soul shards like I told you too?" Lucky asked while crossing his arms. Clove nodded then shows him her 200 soul shards she got. "Good." Lucky said with a smirk. Doug looked at the soul shards that Clove was holding in her hands, "How the heck did she get them so quick?!" Doug wondered to himself. "Hey buddy! What'cha looking at?" Doug turned and noticed Lucky was now looking at him who said it. "I wasn't looking at her idiot, I was looking at the soul shards. How did she get them that quick?! This death match started like two minutes ago!" Doug complained. He looked and noticed the figure was gone already. Before he can do anything the figure stabbed Doug then he turned into ashes dropping 30 soul shards. Clove picked them up and brought them to Lucky. Lucky nodded and smiled as he grabbed them. "Well at least I'm happy you got him out of the picture, he was starting to annoy me." Lucky said. "No come on! There is no time to waste!" Lucky patted Clove's head before he runs off. Clove nodded as she got her knifes ready.

(That was all and I hope you all enjoyed this very short story lol)

(Words: 557)

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