Sharon took a shaky breath before telling all of the men that they needed to get to the lab. Once there, she used a comm-link to call one of the men from a couple days prior. 

When they saw his face on the screen, he looked even more serious than before and it was unsettling. "Mini-Carter, I don't have a lot of time to chat. The Professor wants Storm, Scott, and I in the air in under 20. What is it you need?"

"So, you already know then?"

"Mini-Carter, I really don't have the time to play twenty questions. What do I already know?"

"Logan, it is Raven that you three are meeting. She and Wade are apparently going and trying to save kids. Where do you think those two found kids to save?"

Logan's face paled before a fury seemed to ignite in his eyes. "They better be okay and if Wade gets her back on their radar, I may kill him myself."

There was suddenly an equally angry voice sounding from behind him. "Get in line. Let's go see if we can help." A man could be seen with a contraption covering his eyes as Logan turned to face him. 

"Time to move out."

Before they hung up, Sharon and Sam arranged for Redwing to follow the signature of their jet. Bucky and Steve put on their uniforms and met with Sam and Sharon in the control room. All four were prepped and ready if the call came through. Strange was sitting in the corner drinking tea to try and remain calm. He had seen a few outcomes and was not up for telling the others the stats for the mission. 

Tony, Banner, Nat, Clint, and Pepper all walked in with concerned faces. Nat broke the silence first. 

"Has there been any more contact? Do we know anything?"

Just as she finished her questions, the screen beeped as Redwing showed heat signatures in a building. Bucky flinched when he saw the pairs in small cubes of wall. It didn't take a genius to see that they were people in cells. Two signatures swept through the top floor, one showing a lower body temp than the other forcing Strange to sit up higher. 

"Loki is the cooler one. Who do you suppose they have him working with?" His concern being slightly overlooked by most, knowing the proud pair didn't like their weaknesses being acknowledged. 

Sharon responded without turning. "I guarantee that's Wade with him. We need to be careful though, Raven is a force when she believes what she is fighting for." There was a silent pause while all eyes focused on the pair as they slowly moved down, floor by floor. 

Suddenly, Redwing spun away and found a new angle. There was a sound that came through the speaker as the little helper slid past an open window.

"Where are the kids?" The male voice was rough and off-putting. It made Sharon cringe but she hoped nobody saw it. Nat's gasp drew their attention to her. "I know that voice. If he is there though, this just became a suicide mission. Get them out of there."

She was trying to get a message through the window when the response caught everyone off guard. "I am not one of your special girls Dreykov. You have no power over me. Plus, let's face it, I am the one you wish you could break. Bring it little sad man." 

Everyone was frozen as they heard the clearly pissed voice of the one and only Raven clearly telling a dangerous man that he had no way of breaking her. Bucky and Nat shared an anxious glance while Sharon gripped Sam's hand. 

The response was muffled but they all heard the sound of skin hitting skin followed by a laugh. "Ooo, I am so scared. The Russian Rat decided not to run to the sewers again. Now what? More torture, beatings? I don't care. The kids are safe and you will never lay another hand on them."

Walk the Line:  An Avengers Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now