One would think there would be a constant sense of rivalry between The Seven. That they would tear each other down to reach the top. But it wasn't like that. Not for Lycus at least. Yes, he wanted to be king above anything else and still, he cared immensely for his siblings. They were all chosen by Theon, they were all in this together, and in the end, it would be up to Theon to choose who his successor was. All they could do was be the best person they could, and that did not include tearing each other down. Well... not unless they were told to. The Seven often spared with one another and Theon mentioned that there would be a tournament in honour of Callisto's return. One that Lycus was determined to win.

The doors flew open again and in filed the rest of the court. Nobles and lords took their places at the sides of the room. Lycus scanned the crowd for the only two of Theon's five siblings that still lived in the castle, Roman and Theia. He caught Theia's eye first and she gave him a small smile. Although she was not chosen as queen, she was exceptionally brilliant and skilled. Lycus sometimes wondered if she should've been chosen over Theon, but he would never voice that opinion out loud. Theia had been the one to train The Seven – as being King meant Theon didn't often have the time to properly teach seven orphans all the skills needed to rule.

Lycus spotted Roman eventually, at the very back of the crowd. He walked with five other guards who dragged in a very exhausted looking man. He looked like anything but an assassin, and Lycus wondering if they'd be doing him a favour if they just killed him.

A hush fell over the room as Roman dragged the man, Blade, forward and forced him to his knees at Theon's feet. Blade let out a weak noise that sounded somewhat like please and Lycus held back a smirk at the disgust that crawled across Eira's features. Roman cut open the back of Blade's shirt, revealing the flame tattoo's that crawled up his back and murmurs erupted from the crowd.

"You understand that you have committed treason, both by bearing that mark and by your failed act to kill the King?" Eira said, stepping forward. She often took the lead in trials such as this and no one complained. Her thirst for justice was strong and it would be a mistake to step in her path, as her anger, too, was strong.

"I- I-" His eyes flickered to Silas's and the look on his face was almost painful to watch, as Silas was not looking at him, but studying his nails instead.

"You understand that the punishment for treason is death?"


"If I may?" Silas too stepped forward, looking at Theon who smiled and gave a slight nod. Eira's glared at Silas but stepped back. "This man, although he made some mistakes, grave as they were, attempted to make up for those mistakes. The information he provided us with was essential in our mission to bring Callisto home. I think we can come to another conclusion that does not end in more death."

Although Theon gave a thoughtful nod, again he did not speak. Now that The Seven were all old enough to make educated decisions, Theon wanted to see the types of decisions they would make if they were to rule. So that he in turn, would be able to choose who was best to succeed him.

"I agree with Silas." Aspen stated before anyone else had the chance to point out that this man, in fact, was an assassin and allied with their greatest enemies. Lycus knew Theon craved the peace that covered the land for many years, but he worried that Theon wouldn't do what needed to be done to have peace again. "I have faith that this man sees his mistakes and while should not go unpunished, there isn't a need for him to die."

Lycus did not agree with Aspen and Silas, yet he would not voice that opinion. It would make him look ruthless. It would not align with Theon's ideals of peace. His eyes slid over to where the King sat, and then a little further. Conan looked like he wanted to say something. The boy always looked like he wanted to say something – he never got the opportunity to. Lycus didn't often care to know what Conan thought on topics he should not be concerning himself with, but today he did. He was curious of the words that were trapped behind those tightly pursed lips.

Aideen stepped forward, preparing herself to speak when the large oak doors burst open again, startling everyone in the room. Standing in the doorway was a scrawny boy flanked by two guards. His face was splattered with dirt, and he clutched a leather satchel in his trembling hands. He looked tired and on the verge of collapsing. This boy was a messenger. Lycus knew this because of the forest green shirt he wore. He had come from the Orran mountains, where a large portion of Perdita's army was protecting their borders from the first war in decades. Though, Theon would never admit they were on the verge of war. Lycus almost worried for the messenger, battle was a touchy topic in this throne room.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?" Theon bellowed, his voice uncharacteristically angry.

"I have a message for Your Highness." If it was possible, the boys face paled even more as he walked down the parted path of people and took a wide birth around the kneeling assassin. "A message from the front lines."

"Couldn't it have waited? We're busy, if you haven't noticed."

"No, your highness," The boy bowed, his knees shaking as he did so, "This message is urgent, your men are dying. Backup is needed immediately at the gates of Orran. We are losing the passage through the mountains and Kozia is closing in and-"

"Stop." Theon's face was turning red, and he moved his hand in a dismissal wave, "You will wait outside, I will hear your message privately when this trial is finished."


"Out. Now."

"Of course, Your Highness." They boy bowed again and hurried from the throne room. Many uneasy glances were passed and Lycus himself caught Eira's eye. The two of them spoke often of this brewing war behind closed doors. Lycus did not have the same personal difficulties invested in this dreaded battle. If he were king, he would not hesitate to take back the Orran mountains and the land beyond it. He would take it all.

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