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(A/N: HAHAHAHA FINALLY! Credit to @lil_imp for giving me the idea to write thiss- ALSO YES it has been months but shut up-)

Sundrop's pov—

As the lights came on, I looked around for Y/N just to make sure they were safe. I was pretty sure Moondrop and Y/N were on decent terms, and Moon wasn't trying to literally murder them now, but I didn't want to take any chances since moondrop was pretty unpredictable. Normally I'm able to see what moondrop is doing or thinking when we're switched, but I had decided to completely shut off.

I looked over to the naptime area and saw Y/N starting to wake up some of the kids. I assumed that Y/N and Moondrop had just talked for the entirety of nap time. I wondered what they talked about, but it was probably nothing!

"Hey sunny!" Y/N shouted over to me, probably signaling to help them get the kids up so I walked over there and started getting up the most difficult kids. Y/N had already gotten most of the kids up, so it wasn't much of a struggle.

After a few more hours of me and Y/N entertaining/playing with all the kids, It was almost time pickup. "Hey Y/N, I think it's about time to get the kids all lined up for pickup!" There was already a long line of parents and teens coming to pick up their kids/siblings forming even though it was still 20 minutes from the scheduled times. I gathered up the kids and got them lined up while Y/N did headcounts to make sure every kid was accounted for.

"Everyone's here!" Y/N shouted across also throwing a thumbs-up at the end of the line. Something me and Y/N learnt quickly is that it's nearly impossible to hear anything with the loud chatter of kids in the background.

Y/N's pov—

After the long pickup rush outside the daycare, me and sundrop had started to clean up after them when we had finally gotten all the kids out of the daycare. It was better working with Sundrop throughout the day, but it was still tiring working with a large number of kids all at once.

"Sunny how the hell do you deal with these kidss! I've gotten my hair pulled at least 12 times today" I yelled over to sundrop, to which they responded with a shrug. "I'm a robot, I don't get tired or worn out! They had to replace the old daycare attendant with something that wouldn't need breaks constantly, so they made me!" That made sense since the kids at the daycare constantly need entertainment or assistance.

Moondrop/Sundrops POV—

(A/N: Bold text is moondrop talking, italic text is sundrop talking :D)

Moony, why do I think everything Y/N does is so... nice? Perfect, almost? What is this feeling, we aren't programmed to feel this way about people!

Looks like Sunny has a crushh~ Looks like you and I finally have something in common for once! I bet I'll get to kiss them first~

Moony, don't say that! Plus, I spend more time with them so they'll probably like me more than you, but if they want to love me then they have to love you too, moony!

Woww, thanks sun what a way to ruin my dreams

Moonyy! Don't put it like that, I'm just crushing your dreams not rui- THEY'RE THE SAME THING SUNNY! Moony stop interrupting me!

Y/N's POV—

Sundrop had finished cleaning and organizing their side of the daycare, so they walked over to me and started rambling about the kids and all the activities they did throughout the day. As we talked while I finished cleaning, I realized I hadn't been able to explore any of the pizzaplex before going to the daycare.

"Sunny, do you ever leave the daycare or is it against the rules? Exploring seems fun!"

I saw sunny start going through his list of rules that he had either programmed into him or memorized (A/N: Hint hint, its both!), seeing if he was even allowed to step out of the daycare.

"Well, moondrop sometimes does security patrol so they're allowed out, But I've never left the daycare! Nobody's ever told me I'm not allowed to leave, so I think we can go!!" Sundrop said, confident in his abilities to know all of the rules he has to follow.

Sundrop's POV—

"Well, what are we waiting for, lets's go explore!" Y/N said, pulling me up and towards the exit of the daycare. After we got out, I made sure that the door was locked. Y/N was busy walking around, trying to remember how to navigate the giant pizzaplex. After me and them foundI've always heard the kids talk about how cool the rest of the pizzaplex was, but it was like a whole different world compared to the daycare! There were gift and merch shops everywhere, and dozens of security bots were looking around for intruders or lost children.

"Let's go to the arcade! I think that's where DJ music man is, and he's pretty cool from what I've heard from the Glamrocks and the kids." I said, walking while Y/N walked slightly behind me, holding my hand so they wouldn't accidentally walk off. We had to cut through some of the underground tunnels which I've heard staff talk about dozens of times, but it was still almost impossible to navigate! (How do they find their way around this on a daily basis??)

After a while, we were able to somehow get to the bowling alley instead. Me and Y/N walked out into the bowling alley's open area, Y/N being amazed by the neon lights and organized colorful bowling balls. They went off to go find something interesting to bring back to me, only for a map bot to zoom over to and accidentally jumpscare Y/N.

"AH, WHAT THE FUCK!" shouted Y/N, who was obviously surprised (and slightly scared) by the map bot's sudden approach. Y/N tried to run away from the map bot, but the map bot sure was determined to give Y/N a map.

"Y/N! JUST TAKE THE MAP!" I yelled across the arcade to Y/N, to which they quickly took the map out of the map bot's hand and started running again. The map bot said a quick, automated thank you and went off to go look for other visitors. Y/N started running back over to me, "What just happened??" they said, still in somewhat shock from that chase.

"I... honestly don't know-" I said, probably more confused than Y/N was.


Words: 1080

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