Chapter 9

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'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' Feng xin internally cussed as he chased after Mu qing. Suddenly remembering what he said yesterday.

"Mu qing! Look, whatever happened last night I'm sorry. I was drunk and wasn't on my right mind so I'm not surprised if I made some kind of mistake. What happened last night, whatever dumb shit you put up with, I truly regret it alright? I'm sorry."

'You're sorry? Dumb shit? You regret? A mistake??? FENG XIN YOU'RE THE DUMB SHIT!' He internally scolded, punching his own head.

How could he say that straight to his face after insisting and promising him that he'd remember the night before?! Truly, what a scumbag!

Feng xin ran towards Mu qings apartment and rung the doorbell but there was no response.

So he exited the building and racked his mind on where Mu qing might be. When suddenly, he remembered the park near both of their houses.

Feng xin ran madly towards the said park just to see kids playing merrily on the nearby playground.

'Okay. It's loud. He's probably not here.' He thought and was about to leave when he remembered a certain place pass the park.

He ran across the green grass, where families are having a picnic here and there and hiked that high hill that could be found after running a few minutes following the stone path in the woods.

The place in his mind is tiring to go to so people usually settle on the park below. Which makes it the perfect place for someone who want peace and quiet.

Feng xin panted as he heaved a sigh, finally arriving at the peak. He looked around the place and from afar, he saw a man. All by his lonesome. Sitting on the green grass, spacing out infront of the breathtaking view.

Feng xin gulped and walked over. He received no reactions when he got closed so he pushed his luck and sat beside him.

They sat in silence. Both just looking upfront.

The silence so loud, they could hear the wind blow.

After a while, Mu qing broke the silence.

"What are you doing here."

Feng xin gulped. Understanding that if this talk doesn't turn out well, he won't get any more chances.

"I came to talk to you."

"I don't want to hear it." Mu qing bluntly rejects.

"Mu qing, I-"

"SHUT UP. You don't have to rub it on my face. Okay? I get it! It was all a mistake! You regret it! I get that. So don't say what you're going to say anymore. What happened that night was all just a drunk mistake. I know." Mu qing cut him off.

Feng xin whipped his head around and faced Mu qing who's trying his hardest to keep a straight face by biting his lip. "No Mu qing I-"

"Feng xin. Let's just pretend nothing ever happened." Mu qing says, his eyes low. And Feng xin felt a pang in his heart.

"Save me some face, yeah?" Mu qing asked, finally looking at him with a faint smile.

"I.. I'll also come to forget all of it somehow. Someday. So let us just... Forget everything. And continue our relationship as how it's always been. Mere strangers. After this performance, we won't need to interact anymore. So bear with me for just a little longer."

Feng xin couldn't take it anymore and he pulled Mu qing into a hug. And not even 30 seconds in, he felt Mu qing tremble.

He didn't know Mu qing was this vulnerable. And it made him mad that this was how he found out. By breaking him himself.

The Sober Man's Dilemma •Fengqing•Tian Guan Ci Fu•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ