Chapter 3

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Apparently, Purpled was fairly popular because everyone was mad at him for getting him detention.


Tommy doesn't know what to do when everyone ignores him or just out right refuses to talk to him so he gets loud. That gets people's attention, right? Well it always worked before.

During the last period of the day, a video editing class of sorts, he sits by a small group that hadn't really been ignoring him.

"Hello!" he sees one of the kids wince at his volume and he immediately takes it down a bit, "I'm Tommy!"

The group gives him a collective grin, going around and introducing themselves. Soon after, they were all loudly joking together. After a bit, the rest fell into a comfortable silence, but I just don't know when to shut up do I? 

The teacher had asked the class to quiet down a few times, but when Tommy turns on his energy, he doesn't know how to turn it off. So he just,




"Class! I have repeatedly asked you to quiet down! The rest of the week is going to be silent time."

Everybody immediately turns and glares at him.

Tommy feels himself shrink in on himself, and he shuffles his stuff away from the now glaring group of previously potential friends. He buries himself in his classwork.

Only day one and he's already fucked up beyond repair.


Once everything is over, he makes his way to Phil's car, Phil had elected to have mercy on him and pick him up instead of making him figure out the buses.

"So how was your day?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Really?" Phil glances over, concern shining in his eyes.

"I just wanna go home."

Phil nods and drives the five minutes it takes to get home.

"Ughghhhh, School today sucked, Tubbo."

"School sucked for me too, It was weird without you."

Tommy gets up from his bed and walks over to his pc. Luckily, all their stuff came in quickly after the mix up.

"So wanna play the craft with me or something?"

"Oh.." there's silence on the line for a moment and Tommy feels some concern bubble up in him.


"I'm sorry Toms, I already have plans to play with Schlatt-"

"SCHLATT!?" Tommy can feel Tubbo's wince through the phone, but he has to know what he's doing hanging out with that piece of shit. "What are you doing hanging out with him? " Tommy spits the word out like it's venomous and he can hear Tubbo suck in a small breath through the call.

"Actually, he's not too bad." Tommy actually growls and Tubbo quickly comes to his defense, "he's been super nice, and offered to let me play with him and Quackity and George, and what else am I supposed to do? He's the only one around to hang out with after you left! And-"

Tommy hangs up.

He doesn't want to hear his best friend fawn over a bully.

Over the next few weeks, he puts up with everyone ignoring him.

I'm never gonna make it halfway to the moon. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora