Chapter 2

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Hayley's POV

I walk into the Music Block.. scared out of my life of what Adam's Gonna do but I let the fear surpass me "Hayley!" I heard him call. "What do you want Adam?" I Groaned back at him.

"I want you" Adam said starting to get Closer to me. "Don't touch me!" I screamed "Kiss me! Or you're brother gets it, it's up to you!" Adam Screamed Back.

Adam Approach's me I try to fight back but I'm too weak against him. He's kissing me I'm yelling at him to stop.
Until I saw Brooke slam him into a wall.

"She told you to stop, You dickhead!, Piss off" She yelled at Adam "well it's looks like Charlie is getting it then" Adam Seemed confident that he was gonna harm charlie "if you go after my brother, I'll set mine on u, Nick Nelson" Brooke. Threatens him.

I find it really attractive. "Are you okay?" Brooke looked Really Concerned for me. "Yh, wait no ugh I'm sorry" I stumble still in shock. "You have nothing to be sorry about, I was gonna ask you something?" Brooke asked.

"Of course what is it?" I ask still shaking in fear "would you like to come to mine for dinner? Your brothers there im sure my mom won't mind?" She asked. I really couldn't be alone after what happened. "Yeah sure it should be fun" I agree then I chuckled.

Brooke's POV
Time skip into Brooke's House Entrance.

I really don't think that Hay Is alright I swear if that guy touches charlie I will murder him. "You ready, don't worry my mom is nice." I chuckle at Hayley she smiles back "thank goodness, Yh let's go".

I can see that Hayley is holding in her tears, but I'm not gonna to tell her to release them. "Hey mom, this is Hayley Charlie's sister is it alright if she stays?, she could really use it?" I asked My mom begging for her to say yes.

"Of course she can, come sit sweetheart" my moms speaks to Hayley she has a smile on her face, it makes me smile. "Everything okay Hay?" Charlie asks his sister "tbh I don't really know, I don't want to talk about it" Hayley said. Seeing her upset is killing me.

"Do I need to kick anyone's Ass?" Nick said Proudly "no u don't Nickolas" Charlie & Mom said in unison. We're eating dinner. I can't stop looking at Hayley for some reason. She smiles at me back.

"Do I have to pay for this? Dinner coz I can?" Hayley randomly said. Mom replied "no of course not sweetie is everything alright" . I knew what was about to happen, coz it used to happen to me.

I got out of my seat and hugged as she started balling her eyes out "I feel I'm just an object that everyone uses" she says balling. My heart can't take this..
"No you're not Darling, ur kind" I comfort her.

"Right how bloody hell upset her?" Nick sounded angry "Adam Forest" "he said if I didn't make out with him when he wanted he would hurt Char" She's still Balling her eyes out.

"Nah I'm done, no threatens my boyfriend and gets away with it!" Nick is really angry "Nick please calm down" I beg him too but he can't and I don't blame him, if someone threatened Hayley I'd be pissed off too.

Time Skip to Hayley's House

Hayley's POV

Thank you to Brooke I'm Feeling Better
Adam will never touch my family. I enter the front door. "Hey Char, you here?" There's no Response but I thought he'd still be at nicks House so I went upstairs.

I got a message

Brooke: Hey Hay it's me Brooke Charlie gave me you're number, you okay?

I sigh coz I'm really not but I lie to her and fake smile

Hayley: Yeah I'm okay, oh btw is Charlie still there.

Brooke: No he left about 45 minutes ago, why is he not at home?

Hayley: no he's not, and Adam threatened him, this is all my fault.

Brooke: oh honey, it's not you're fault I'm coming over now.

Charlie's POV

I was walking Texting Nick when someone was whispering my Name in the alley "hello who's there?" I asked the darkness still no answer. I went into the alleyway.

I saw Adam and His friends surrounding me I didn't think this was safe. "Hello little Fag!" Adam yelled as he and his friends kicked me to the ground. "Ugh leave me Alone Adam, and my sister!" I yelled back at him, in pain from the kick.

"You're disturbing to look at rat!" He says as he punches me in the ribs, I squeal in pain, but he continues he has so much anger on his face.

"You're gonna regret being alone, u fag!" Adam pulls out a knife and Stabs me with it twice and runs off, I'm lying there in pain so much, "HELP ME!" I'm screaming in pain.

Brooke's POV
I hear someone screaming in pain I go look to check it out, and my heart sank it was Charlie.


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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