08: Something in Exchange

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He nodded and smiled that same small smile once more. "Alright."

"Thank you," she told him with a smile. "Gene," she added, then wished she hadn't, for it had sounded too personal even to her own ears to call him that, even though he'd introduced himself as such.

"'S alright," he replied.

Charlie set off on her way without another word, finally finding her feet were ready to obey her and save her from one of the more painful encounters she'd ever led.

When she finally reached the barn, she never thought she'd ever been, or would ever be again, so happy to see Sergeant Talbert. He was leaning against the barn she supposed was the barracks and smoking with a couple of the other paratroopers, whose names Charlie didn't know. But he looked up when he noticed her and promptly stamped out his cigarette and assumedly bid the other boys farewell.

Sergeant Talbert met her halfway, then led her around the side of the barn wordlessly, though not without a smug grin. She followed him until they were standing beneath a tree just starting to grow its leaves back, and a safe distance away from the barn so as not to be overheard. Ordinarily, Charlie would have complained about having to be alone with him, but after her interaction with Gene she was just relieved she wouldn't be having to meet any more new boys today. Clearly, that was an area of severe ineptitude on her part, as was overstaying her welcome.

"Change your mind?"

Charlie bristled at how self-righteous he was but, reluctantly, she nodded. "As it happens, I don't understand the way boys and girls interact with each other at all."

Sergeant Talbert laughed. "I could've told you that from the second I laid eyes on you, but I'm glad you're getting to do some self-discovery."

"Ha-ha," she deadpanned.

Sergeant Talbert grinned. "So you'll help me?"

Again, and even more reluctantly, Charlie nodded. "Yes, I suppose I will."

"What changed your mind?"

Charlie recalled the conversation she'd had with the other nurses and Mabel's tactic of making herself seem unattainable to attract Sergeant Talbert more, and decided to keep her mouth shut. "None of your business," was what she supplied in place of a proper answer. "All you need to know is that I've decided to take pity on you, and this is me doing everything I can to help those in need."

Sergeant Talbert made a big show of rolling his eyes. "Good of you."

"I know." Charlie shot him a big, toothy grin just to watch his smile sour. Unfortunately for her, it didn't, but in response to his non-reaction, hers did. This boy was impossible.

"So," Charlie continued, getting their conversation back on track. She needed to hurry this business along before any of the nurses worried about her, for she'd told them she was going to see if she could pick up some more milk (even knowing she couldn't, because all of their ration cards combined wouldn't allow them to get any more than what the government had deemed enough). "I'll help you," she confirmed again, for clarity's sake. "But I want something in exchange." She hadn't actually thought yet about what she wanted, she just knew she didn't want to give Sergeant Talbert anything, much less her precious time and energy, for free.

His triumphant grin still didn't fade. "Uh oh."

She waited for him to say something more but he didn't, so she searched her mind frantically for something she could ask of him, something he could give her that she might want.

"I want..." she began, desperately trying to think of something. Her mind careened, most unfortunately, back to her painful conversation with Gene, but she grabbed hold of the lifeline it gave her with both hands, "... you to teach me how to interact with boys."

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