The Queen's Past

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⚠️Warning: Use of heavy profanity (cuss words) and abuse. Read with caution or at your own risk⚠️

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What you are about to read is the past of my mother, The Queen of Mondstadt. It is a story I never knew and was never told about until now. I never dared to ask her, but ever since she told me she wanted me to achieve something she wasn't able to achieve, I was curious about her past — her untold past. I won't be the one narrating her past, but rather, my mom would be the one to tell her untold story.


My past...

My younger self...

I found the best feeling when I was but a child...

If I could turn back the time to feel what I felt before...

If only...


July 15, XXXX, 5:04 pm was the exact time I was born in a prestigious, royal, and noble family in Fontaine, the summertime of Fontaine. I had the exact ears of my father — animal-like. But I didn't inherit his tail, only his ears. He is half-human. I'm not quite sure how he became to look like that, I never once thought to ask him. I remember my mother hated me for the way I looked, because I was not human, like her. Only my father cared for me and my looks because I look just like him — as if I was his mini gender-bent clone which he was proud of. 

My mother never cared for me ever since the day I stepped into Teyvat. I can remember to this day the insults I got from her whenever my father wasn't around. Even if I told my father about the bullying and insults my mother would do to me, he would just make an excuse that she was just raising me differently. Looking back at his comforting to his words whenever I tried to snitch on my mother, it sounded so dumb.

I never liked my mother because of the abuse she would give me when my father had business to attend to. She had so much power in her hands. I couldn't stand to win against her — especially when I was just a child. She could've gotten rid of me back then if it wasn't for my father who was always present. Even when I am a Queen myself, a wife, and a loving mother of one beautiful child, I still do not understand why she had so much hatred for me. Though it may be because of my ears, or the way I look, that answer still does not fill the hole of the question as to why she hated me so much. My mother was the reason why I was so insecure about how I looked. But, well, that was... until I met him.

April 23, XXXX, 2:25 pm

"You may go outside if you like."
Father says, sipping his favorite tea.

I play with my fingernails as I glare at him, watching him drink and blow the tea's steam rising from the small cup. He also seems to be studying some kind of documentation regarding the safety of Fontaine.

I repeat, stuttering.

"Yes. Why, do you not want to go outside?"
He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"U-uh, of course, I want to go! It-it'd be my pleasure..!"

I stand up, power walking to my room to grab my coat. I always wear my coat whenever I go outside, mainly because I want to hide from other people due to my insecurities getting the best of me, especially my ears. I rarely go outside but if I do, I always get stares from other people because of how mysterious I look. But it isn't like I'm some thief! I would never steal! I don't even have the guts to do so!

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