chapter 34 | tory

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Everything goes black. I feel arms wrap around me as I fall. But, that's all I remember.

Images flash through my head, like I'm dreaming.

I start to hear people talking from around me, but it sounds like mumbling to me. The words start to become clearer and clearer and I can instantly recognise my teammates voices. My eyes flutter open and I see all the Cobra Kai students and Sensei above me.

"Hey, kid. How you doing?" Sensei asks.

"Fine. What happened?" I question, starting to sit up.

"You passed out. About 20 minutes ago. You were out for ages." Miguel responds.

"Oh my god. What happened at Valley Fest?" I ask, finally standing up.

"Miyagi-Do was pissed. I loved seeing the look on LaRusso's face." Sensei smirks.

I roll my eyes playfully before looking around to everyone. But, I can't seem to find the person I particularly want to see.

"Hey, where's Eli?" I question. Everyone looks around to each other and doesn't say anything. "Guys?"

"I'm right here." A familiar voice speaks.

We all look over to where the voice came from and see Eli standing in the doorway. I smile before running up to him and jumping in his arms. He holds my waist and lifts me off the ground, spinning me around.

"Okay, okay. Students pack your bags and head home. Good job today." I hear Sensei command.

Sensei goes into his office and all the students begin to pack up their things. Eli puts me down and looks into my eyes.

"My place?" He smirks.

"Definitely." I smile before kissing him on the lips.

He immediately kisses me back, cupping my face.
Eli and I had a really fun night. We did our usual... watching movies, eating snacks, cuddling, making out. You know, everything we usually do.

We are right now driving to the dojo, after a long night with Valley Fest, me passing out and staying up late at Eli's house. We arrive at the dojo and immediately go inside.

After getting dressed, Kreese walks up to my group of friends and starts talking about his entire life story, that I don't actually care about, but Eli seems very intrigued.

"You gotta understand that Mogadishu in the 90's was a hellhole. Warlords controlled whole swaths of the city." Kreese tells. Eli eyes him in awe. "My team and I were charged with cleaning the place up."

"How many warlords did you kill?" Eli asks, super interested. I stand there with my arms crossed and a straight face. My eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"You keep track of every ant you stomp out?" Kreese questions, real cocky.

I roll my eyes while Miguel scoffs. Eli and Aisha let out small gasps.

"Badass." Eli smirks.

"Tell us another one!" Aisha exclaims, excitement appearing in her voice.

Mr. Kreese chuckles before beginning to tell his next story.

"One time, I was on duty. The enemy found our location and surprised attacked us." Kreese begins. "They were outgunned, we were outmanned. I tell you... Rwanda was no joke."

"Don't you mean Somalia?" Miguel questions, from behind Kreese. "Mogadishu is in Somalia, Rwanda's a whole different country."

Kreese turns around and looks at Miguel for a moment, before turning back to us.

"Of course, Somalia." Kreese chuckles. "I've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?"

Aisha and Eli nod their heads, both of them smiling largely.

"Mhm.." I mumble, while squinting my eyes and licking my top teeth. My arms stay crossed in front of my chest.

"Listen up!" Sensei Lawrence yells out, walking into the training room. We all look to him, to see him looking at the entrance. "I see we've got some new recruits." Sensei walks to the front of the room. "Everybody, fall in. In neat rows and lines." All of us make our way to our usual spots. "Time to see what you're made of." Sensei begins to wander through the lines of new students, making small comments to all of them. There is one fully grown adult at the back, standing with his head down. "Sorry, parents can't stay for class. It's an insurance thing."

"I'm not a dad. I... I am here to kick some ass, Sir!" The adult man replies nervously.

Sensei takes a closer look at him. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Oh, yeah, the um.. I sold you the mirror. We kinda bonded, talked about rock bands." He responds.

"Look, you're a little old. This is a class for teenagers." Sensei tells.

"Well, I.. I can take them." The man chuckles. "I'm not afraid of kids, Sir. And my mom, she doesn't charge me rent, so I got a lot of cash to burn."

The adult man pulls out many dollar bills from his pocket and hands it to Sensei. Sensei takes it gladly.

"We'll consider this a trial run." Sensei mentions, before walking back to the front of the class. "I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that, you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?"

No one talks. Everyone looks around to each other with uneasy faces. The fully-grown adult was about to volunteer, until he was interrupted by someone from the very back.

"I'll take him on."

Everyone, especially Miguel and I, turn our heads to reveal a new girl standing at the back of the room. She was quite pretty and had short, wavy hair that is dark at the roots and blonde on the ends. She wears a long sleeve, tan crop top with a light pink shirt underneath it, and grey leggings.

"Oh, you will huh?" Sensei questions.

"I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show. Can you actually fight?" The girl smirks, looking around at all of us.

Sensei makes his way up to the new girl, who seems very tough. She stands there quite sassy, seeming like she's acting like she's better than everyone else.

"That sounds like a challenge." Sensei adds.

"I like a challenge." The girl smirks, still sassy and cocky.

Sensei begins to walk away from her slowly. "Mr. Diaz, show little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about."

Miguel bows to Sensei and nods his head. All the students get out of the way and clear the mat. Miguel and the new girl step onto the open mat.

"Look, are you sure that you wanna do—" Miguel speaks but gets cut off by the girl kicking him right in the stomach. Miguel grunts while trying not to fall backwards. My mouth drops widely. He stops himself from falling to the ground and gets into a fighting stance. "All right." Miguel chuckles. "Game on."

Miguel quickly becomes serious then two go at it. Punches and kicks are being thrown all around the room. Miguel does a trick that lands the girl on the ground but she quickly gets up and continues the fight. Miguel then kicks her, which causes her to fall to the ground.

"Don't let me see it coming." Miguel says, out of breath.

The girl gets up and tackles Miguel to the ground. She quickly stands up and looks down at him.

"Did you see that coming?" She asks.

Miguel wraps his legs around her legs and flips her backwards, her back landing on the ground hard.

"Maybe." Miguel answers, while getting up from the ground. He looks down at the girl and holds his hand out. "My name's Miguel."

"Tory." The girl replies. Tory grabs Miguels hand, kneels on the ground and flips him around. She pins him to the ground and keeps a tight grip on his arm.

"With a Y..."

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