Korekiyo's grwm

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Hey what's up Korks is your boy, Korekiyo Shinguji here and in todays video I'm gonna do a get ready with me since you all suggested it. Also before we begin I wanna thank you all for 30 subscribers I honestly never expected to get this far so really I appreciate it. Okay lets get into it!

Firstly I wash my face and rub lotion on myself, sometimes I force Shuichi against his will to come help me with my lotion since I cant reach every bit of my body, he's an amazing friend honestly.

So now I'm gonna brush my hair out, it tangles really easily and is all over the place when I wake up.

Alright now that I'm done with that I'm gonna tie it in a pony tail really quick just so it doesn't get in the way.

Okay so I cover up my acne with some concealer and then I get started on my eyeliner. I make sure to go very slow when I do my eyeliner just so I don't mess up and can make sure it looks identical.

That's it for my face so now I'm going to put on my uniform. I go very slow when putting my uniform on so I don't damage it.

Now I will put on my hat! I go very slow with this as well to make sure I don't damage it and to make sure it's in the correct place and facing straight.

Okay, now I will put on my patch and mask! I make sure to keep a few extra mask's with me in case I choose to eat later with everyone!

Alright Korks that's it! This was my get ready with me I really hope you enjoyed! I take around 3 hours a day to get ready just because I like to go slowly and make sure everything looks perfect. I will now go visit my friends in the dinning haul! Thanks for watching, please if you like the video then subscribe and smash that bell button! Cya in the next video! Byeeee!


Sherlock_Holmes: Wish you didn't make me rub lotion in-between ur ass crack ):

GirlGenius69: All this effort and you still look ugly

Sk8rDude: You look awesome!! (:

Kaede<3: This is a great video Kiyo!!!! <3

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