4 The Industry

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I was faced with a choice what to wear this client was rich that much was apparent I also assume it not just for him it more then one spectator. My narrowing e/c eyes zoomed in on two different outfits. One of the outfits consisted of a police blue micro min skirt, and incredibly low cut high cropped blue police shirt, dark blue underwear and a police cap. The second outfit was another tiny white sheer skirt and a sheer white cropped priestess styled top and platform priestess shoes. My hand went to the police outfit I didn't know if my client was Japanese and might take offence, however I know for sure he wasn't a cop. I grabbed my outfit including the underwear and went to the bathroom to change into my dance clothes. Nora surprised we as I walked out of the bathrooms with my street cloths in my hands.

"I'm doing you hair and makeup." Nora told me pulling me back into the dressing room I didn't disagree with her I wasn't the best at hair and make up. I could do it but my style and hair and make up is simple and casual. Those are two things my client will not be. I think!
"So miss policeman, how perverse do you think your client will be?" Nora said placing a pink hair cover in my hair pulling my hair back so she could see all of my face.

"I don't know how 'perverse' he will be I hope he won't be. Laurence didn't really tell me much and besides I don't think he even knows much. Nora hummed as she started to blend foundation onto my face.

"Not even a name?" She enquired moving onto the concealer. I shook my head
"Hold still." Nora commanded.

"Sorry, no he didn't know his name the guy just says 'my client'." I explained trying to not move.

"OH! MY! CHRIST!" Nora screamed basically down my ear. I flinched away from the shrill sound coving my ears. Nora eyes landed on me.
"Oh, sorry. But anyway way I was thinking what if there client isn't a he. What if there client is a she!" She shrieked again but quieter. I raised my eyebrow at here through the mirror.
"What? it could happen." She said turning back to my hair. Nora separate my hair into one main section and three smaller section braided them together to go across the back of my hair so it was out of my face. My thoughts went to who this client would be. His assistant had come to the club to hire him not himself so that meant he was not regular here or I imagine any other club like this. I bit the side of my lip in thought and as Nora was focused on my hair she didn't notice. I was under no illusion that this was not going to turn in pretty women. I didn't want any man to come and save me from my horrible life and job not to mention no snooty sale assistance from a designer store had ever refused to serve me. Thought when you have a rich grandfather it doesn't really happen. Also you kinda need to shop in designer stores to refused to served.

"n, y/n! Hello, Earth to y/n do you come in." Nora called at me waving her hand in front if me.

"Huh!" I jumped back, surprised. Nora gave me a small frown which with her big soulful brown eyes she looked incredible cute her little scrunched up button nose helped with the cuteness.

"What were you thinking about that was so distracting or..." she trialed of looking to the direction I had landed on before Geri g lost in my thoughts.
"Oh!My!Christ!" She screeched defying me once more the other girls looked at her with concern as did the boys tiger the band who you could see through the partly open doorway.
"Sorry." Nora apologise. Then she pulled me to her and whispered quietly in my ear.
"You were totally checking out Josh. I knew you had a crush on him. You know he liked you too right. I mean look at you." She told me I raised my eyebrow but didn't tell her she was wrong.
"Well your cute, sexy, smart ish" Bitch! I rolled my eyes and turned away from the door.

"Thank you for the love life advice and the compliments I think. However can you please do my make up it's 8:45 I need to be ready by nine." I told her. She spun me around as she got started in my makeup. I trusted her to do a good job as she did and just like that 14 minutes flew by and suddenly I was stood a few yards away from the club entrance in my police pole dancer outfits and a large long grey trench coat. The wind had gotten stronger and since it was now dark the temperature had dropped so I need the trench coats protection. The cold winding was still nipping at my face and I want her this car to come quickly so I could start my jobs quicker and I can then go home quicker, hopefully. As soon and the minute hand on the clock tower two blocks away from there club reached twelve a sleek town car pulled up to the club. A man in a dark grey pin striped suit came out of the drinking seat and opened the door.

"Ms Luna?" He asked his voice was sweet and low it reminded me of honey just like his warm brown slightly orange eyes. His cropped brown hair was streaked with a few grey hairs and was his brown goatee that started just below his straight nose. I nodded my head almost running the the car to get into the warmth. I sat down on the soft leather and felt the car started off driving me to my 2.5 million.

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