"Oh dear, I've made you entirely miss your homeroom. No worries, I'll speak with Mr. Donohue and explain the situation to him. Now run along to your next class. We want you to make a good impression on your teachers now don't we?" Although the principal looked friednly enough and the wrods and voice sounded legit, there was an ominous threat in the air. Julia felt like a prey cornered by a large, carnivorous beast. Which only provoked her own anger. Managing to bite down on an acidic reply, she smiled.

"I plan on being entirely unobtrusive, no worries." Julia offered a brilliant smile, completly faked, but astonishingly authentic looking. Years of acting normal, happy and calm allowed her to fool most people without fail. Without waiting for a further barb from the principal, Ju slipped out to grab a couple of papers from Henry, the disapproving secretary.

Looking at her schedule, Julia saw that first period had been Philosophy and next period was, excitingly enough history. Despite having a definite attitude problem and temper issues, Ju had always been a closet brain, keeping her academic accomplishments high enough to usually save her ass from the fires her mouth started. Teachers never understood how someone so smart got into so much trouble. Then again, Ju didn't get it herself. She's just always had troubles, and the pain didn't help.

Julia slipped into the class and tucked herself into a desk, hoping for obscurity in the back of the class. There was a large enough student body here that not everyone would realize she was a new student, but lo and behold, her luck was playing hide and seek. A tall, gawky guy with bad acne slip into the seat next to her. Without embarassment he looked her over, and his eyes lit up when he saw the join hidden partially by her short, dark hair.

"Hey! Is that what I think it is?" he asked eagerly. Ju closed her eyes and mentally groaned, imagining banging her head on the desk repeatedly. Great, 5 minutes into my new school and I already have a stoner bugging me. There goes subtle.

"No." Ju lied calmly. "I roll my own cigarettes. Filters taste like ass." she gave a plausible explaination.

"Yeah, right. I can smell you, you know." he replied, no longer smiling. "You want to be a greedy bitch, go for it."

"Oh cut me to the quick. Whatever shall I do, you called me a bitch. My heart bleeds." Julia replied in monotone, unimpressed. Just shut up and ignore him, come on! She yelled at herself, no sure why she bother goading the little pimple.

"Yeah well, screw you!" he hissed at her, facing hte front and shunning her. As if she cared.

Keeping her anger bottled inside, Julia listened to the teacher go over the syllabus of the class. First day was always like this, mostly a waste of time, gonig over all the piles of information they would try and cover in a 9 month span.

In her old highschool, there had been 10 subjects a year, split into 2 semesters, so 5 subjects a semester. In this highschool, they did all 10 at once, with the days switched out. Mondays and Wednesdays she had Philosophy, History, Physics, Biology and Drama, Tuesdays and Thursdays she had French, Spanish, Chemistry, Art and Geography, Fridays were all 10 subject 'review' days where the students showed up to their home room and stayed in that class all day, working on whatever subject they needed help on. This was a school for the misbehaved and students with difficulties so the teachers were basically running the Friday as a detention day. And they took attendence so there was no skipping. This school makes no sense. Julia fumed as she tried to follow the map and make her way to the next class.

Arriving almost ten minutes late, there was no way she couldn't make a scene into her physics class. Julia ruffled her hair around, hiding hte joint behind her ear and opened the door. The man scowling at her from the front of the classroom looked ready to tear her throat out and she felt a responding anger rumble in her chest. "What the hell are you doing, coming late to my class?" he demanded, yelling at her.

Julia blinked and in a moment shoved the anger away. It was always like this, ready to explode, erupt, take over. If she gave into the berserk rage inside, her family would be forced to up and move, once again her fault. Not this time. "Sorry, I'm new this year and the map the secretary gave me is about as useful as tits on a goldfish." Dammit why can't you watch your mouth? she fumed internally. She heard some classmates snicker at her comment and saw many eyes appraising her. Genius. she sighed, realizing that soon the word would be out about her newbie status and people would be pestering her with questions. Julia felt exhaustion settle across her shoulders and she just wanted to leave. It's almost lunch, you can make it. she prodded herself and walked over to a desk while the very irate teacher glared daggers at her.

"If you're done making a scene, I was just handing out the quiz. I want to see how little all you idiots know." he snapped out. Thinking a very nasty word to herself, Julia smiled with fake cheer as she was handed one of the quizzes. She looked over the quiz, a little perplexed as to why it was asking for definitions of Kinematics and dynamics. Were these students really so limited? Ignoring hte curious glances from her classmates, Ju wrote down the answers she knew and put in as much of the information as she could for the ones she was a little fuzzy on. Once everyone handed their tests back in, the teacher went over the correct answers and discussed some of the answers the students have given. His opinion of them was not nice or gracious.

Julia was biting the inside of her lip and bounching her leg vigourously with the growing urge to get the hell out of there. It was so bad that when the bell for lunch rang, Julia shot out of her desk and bolted outside. Unlike earlier, she had no appetite and just wanted to get away. Walking a little too quickly to look casual, Julia made it outside and walked ot the far end of the football field before she stopped dead in her tracks. Breathing deeply, she tasted the oncoming rain in the brisk September air. Just breathe. In for 4, out for 4, the pain is there, accept it, let it go. She recited her mental mantra and felt ehr heart beat slowdown. Without opening her eyes, she pulled the roach from behinder her ear and lit it up, inhaleing the smoke and hoping it'd help settle the unexplicable rage flooding her body with the need to lash out. What the hell is wrong with me? she asked for hte umpeenth time.

Unspecified RageWhere stories live. Discover now