LGBTQIA+ Identities

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This one 100% betrays the canon but idc

Lucifer- Pansexual, Homoromantic, Cis

Mammon- Bisexual (men and women), Omniromantic (female preference), Cis

Levi- Ace, panromantic, non-binary (he/they)

Satan- Bisexual (men and non-binary), panromantic, agender (any pronouns)

Asmo- Pansexual, panromantic, non-binary (he/they/she)

Beel- Ace, homoromantic, doesn't care about pronouns

Belphie- Polysexual (men, non-binary, women), panromantic, ftm transgender

Diavolo- homosexual, homoromantic, cis

Barbatos- pansexual, panromantic, cis

Simeon- Homosexual, panromantic, non-binary (he/they)

Luke- Ace, panromantic, mtf transgender (doesn't know)

Solomon- Pansexual, biromantic (men and non-binary), cis

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