Carnage smirked.

"Hmmm, got something special in there?" he asked with a wide grin. "For a certain someone maybe?"

"No, it's just that these ones are private," Cletus said quickly.

"Now you've got me curious," Carnage replied. "You'll let me look at these ones but you won't let me near that. I wonder why."

"It's just....sometimes artists don't like people looking at certain stuff," Cletus said, taking the sketchbook in his hands now.

"Ah, but I'm not a person, am I?"

"That's not the point. Look, can we just forget about this?"

"Is it because you drew a picture of me?"

Carnage had been meaning to tease, but seeing the stunned and utterly hilarious look on Cletus's face made him guess again.

"Oh, now I have to see," he chuckled. "Come on, let's have it."




"That's not an answer."

"It's just that—"

Cletus backed into his dresser to hide the sketchbook furthur, hands behind his back so Carnage couldn't reach for it. Carnage only grinned wider and stepped up close. Cletus's breath hitched and he was sure Carnage could sense his rising heart beat.

"Come on," he growled playfully. "Let's see...."


"Just one look?"


"Cletus... "

Cletus didn't mean to. He tried not to. But he couldn't help it. But when that low voice purred out his name, he blushed. Carnage caught it and if anything leaned in closer, amused.

"What's the matter, Cletus ? All I did was say your name..."

"Well, I—" Cletus stuttered, trying to get the words to form.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Cletus could breathe again when Carnage went over to open it.

"Oh, hey," Carnage smiled as he saw Venom and Eddie standing outside. "What's up?"

"We were just wondering if you'd like to come study with us," Venom said with a smile. "The library's open until eight tonight."

"Oh, good. Yeah, I'll get my stuff." Carnage nodded and smirked down at Eddie. "Hey, Eddie."

"Hey," Eddie replied with just a little bit of a voice crack. Just then, he saw Cletus. "Oh, hey, Cletus."

"Hey," Cletus said, coming over now that he'd hid his sketchbook.

"Well, I'll be out in a few. Just let me get my stuff," Carnage said and then turned to Cletus. "You want to come study with us?"

"Uh, thanks, but no," Cletus replied politely. "I got some other things to work on."

"I see," Carnage replied, giving him a smirk. "Well," he picked up his backpack and headed back to the door, "have a nice time. I'll see you later. And...." he paused, grinning, " hard on those drawings. Y'know, the ones you wouldn't let me see? I bet they'll be really good."

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