Chapter Seven

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This is purely fluff! Enjoy! 😜

"I can't believe how our friend group just doubled," Eddie grinned as he sat on the floor in his dorm, the rest of the gang also sitting around.

"It did, though," Carlton smiled, agreeing.

"Okay, we're going to play truth or dare," Dan announced as he sat beside Eddie in the circle.

A mix of groans and giggles erupted from the other seven and Dan grinned.

"Wherever the bottle stops spinning, that person has to take the truth or dare," he went on.

"Aw, shucks, I'm gonna die," Eddie muttered, laughing.

"That's true, Eddie does have a knack of getting unlucky with this game," Anne giggled.

"All the better," Venom replied with a wide grin.

"Okay, we're going to start and I'm going to be the first to spin the bottle. Wherever it's pointing, that person has to choose truth or dare," Dan said, placing the bottle in the middle on its side. "Ready?"

He spun the bottle. Everyone watched it eagerly, hoping it didn't fall on them. It started slowing down, slowly, slowly.

It landed on Carlton.

"Hey, Carlton got picked!" Virus giggled.

"Oh, shit," Carlton said, trying to hide his face. "Okay."

"Truth or dare, Carlton?" Dan asked with a smile.

"Hmm....." Carlton went silent for a moment, thinking. He grinned. "Dare?"

"Oh, he's being bold today," Anne laughed. "Better make it good, Dan."

"Okay....uh..." he paused. "Would you say you and Riot are pals?"

"Sure, yeah," Carlton replied simply.

"Since we're making these good, I dare you to go sit on his lap."

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Wait, you want me to do what?" Carlton asked, blushing.

"If it lands on me now, I'm out," Eddie said, putting his hands up in surrender.

"It was a dare. Go sit on Riot's lap. You're only friends, right?" Dan said.

"Uh..." Carlton laughed nervously. "Yeah."

"Come on, Carlton," Riot teased, patting his legs and grinning widely. "I know you want to...."

"Shh! You're making this worse than it has to be!" Carlton cried with a grin.

"If you don't do the dare, then you get to eat one of these," Dan said, holding up a bean bamboozled kit. Everyone laughed harder. "Which one is it, Carlton?"

Carlton looked at Riot who sat across from him at the circle and saw the gray symbiote was smirking at him knowingly.

"Okay..." he replied and headed timidly over to Riot.

"Oh, my god, he's actually gonna do it!" Virus gasped with a laugh.

"Ayyy!" the others cheered as Carlton sat down, blushing.

Riot chuckled and smiled.

"See? It wasn't so bad, right, Carlton?" he said. Carlton didn't want to admit it, but he liked the feeling of Riot's large form behind him, spooning him almost. The deep vibrations in Riot's chest as he spoke tickled Carlton's back a little.

"This is embarrassing," Carlton replied with a smile. "I feel like Dan's trying to get all the "couples" together."

"I'm not complaining," Riot mused playfully.

Are We Only Roommates? Venom and Eddie College AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon