Just then the door opened and Carnage walked in, followed by a guy a little taller than Eddie himself.

"Hey, Red!" Venom called.

Carnage turned his head and grinned, coming over.

"Hey, guys," he greeted, giving both of them fistbumps. "This is my new roomate Cletus. Cletus, this is Venom and Eddie."

"Hey," Cletus said to both.

"Hey, we were just talking about getting the whole gang together and doing something tomorrow," Venom said. "You wanna come?"

"Pff, as if I need an invitation to follow you guys," Carnage replied with a grin. "You guys make our little group things so much better." Turning to Cletus, he smirked. "They're in a relationship."

"Oh, really?" Cletus asked. "Congratulations."

"Ha, it makes it sound like we're gonna marry or something," Eddie muttered with a smile.

"Wow, moving on fast, I see," Venom chuckled, giving him a little poke. Turning back to Carnage, he said, "Also, there's a special today. Eddie and I both got it and it's absolutely phenomenal."

"What flavor?"

"Ask the clerk," Venom replied with a grin. "I'm not your daddy."

Carnage gave him a curious look as if saying he didn't agree with that, but let it slide, seeing Eddie's reaction to the word.

"Nnnope. You're Eddie's." They both laughed at Eddie's intense blush. "Well, we'll order and then come back here. Is that okay?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely," Venom nodded. "See you in a few."

Carnage and Cletus left the table to go order their icecream and Venom turned back to Eddie.

"So? What do you think? Think maybe they're a good match?" he asked.

"Huh?" Eddie looked confused.

"Y'know....like us."

"Oh!" Eddie paused. "Yeah, yeah, I can see it. I mean they both seem to like each other."

"We need to plan."


"Gonna try to set them up, duh."

Eddie smiled and looked away for a moment.

"Uh, I dunno, I'm not really good at matchmaking," he said.

"Buddy, we match-made ourselves," Venom laughed. "Come on, it's simple. Follow my lead and see what happens."

He paused and his grin widened considerably.

"You always follow my lead, don't you, Eddie? Just like a little puppy following it's master."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Eddie replied with a little smile and blushed, looking out the window to avoid those dangerously beautiful eyes.

"Suuure," Venom smiled smugly. Picking up his own cherry, he smirked, bringing it up to his mouth and ate it.

Eddie pretended not to notice.

Carlton woke up and groaned.

"Oh, my god, I'm sore," he said, wincing as he struggled to sit up. Looking over, he saw that Riot was still laying in bed but the symbiote was awake.

"Good morning, Carl," Riot said sweetly as he looked over at the other. "I bet you slept well."

"I did, actually," Carlton replied, struggling to get up in a sitting position. "Maybe it's because you fucked the ever living daylights out of my—"

"Hmmm, yes, I remember now. It was fun, wasn't it? I got to pop your cherry."

"Please don't say that. I can't look a cheeries the same ever again."

Riot chuckled.

"Well....you're going to be sore all day, so that's the downside," he said as he sat up. "But the good news is that we can try to get rid of it."


"If you're up to it, I can give you a massage," Riot suggested with a cocky grin.

"Uh. Okay. Like....now?"

"I don't mind," Riot replied with an even wider grin.

"Okay." Carlton began to climb out of his bed but then stopped and blushed. "Oh. Sorry. I'm, Uh...I'll get some clothes on."

Riot only hummed and watched as his boyfriend struggled into his clothes. When Carlton turned back to him, he was surprised when Riot moved him so he was facing Riot instead of having his back to him.

"Uh.....this is different," he said as he sat on Riot's lap and blushed as Riot dipped his head down a little to nuzzle his face.

"New things aren't always bad," Riot said softly. "Just relax and enjoy."

Carlton sighed when he felt those two large hands on his shoulders and closed his eyes when they began to knead and massage his sore, tired muscles.

"You like this," Riot purred and Carlton had to stop himself from saying something stupid.

"Yeah," he replied, liking how those large, strong hands helped unknot and unwind his muscles. It almost made him drowsy with the feeling.

Riot rumbled softly, the vibrations tickling Carlton's legs. Carlton leaned forwards and pressed himself against that broad chest, putting his arms around that strong torso and hugged him.

"You want cuddles now?" Riot mused, starting to go lower so his hands expertly worked on Carlton's back.

Carlton mumbled something incoherent and Riot smiled.

"We'll cuddle afterwards," he promised. "For now we're loosening you up."

Carlton shivered when those gigantic hands pressed down lower and lower. Riot was massaging his hips and thighs now, squeezing the flesh and making Carlton blush. Riot chuckled and pressed a kiss against his cheek.

"Almost done," he whispered.

As promised, Riot finished a few moments later. Carlton sighed, content and warm and relaxed. Riot smiled and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.

"Now we can cuddle."

Are We Only Roommates? Venom and Eddie College AUWhere stories live. Discover now