Oh shut up

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"Uh... Uh.... Um..." I stutter as I take him in.

Hot...that's the only word I could use to describe him. He was tall and exotic looking with his bronze tan and piercing blue eyes. He had dirty moppy blonde hair and looked like he could be a super model.

"Uh hello?" He asks with an adorable smile. His teeth were literally completely white.

"Oh...sorry what?" I ask flustered.

'Way to check him out!' I think to myself.

"Science or math first?" He asked again and chuckles.

"Which grade is the lowest?" I asked trying not to giggle like a 8 year old girl.

"Science." He says looking down at his book.

"Okay then...lets get started." I say, "so what are you having trouble with?"

"Well...most of it..." He says looking anywhere but my eyes.

"It's okay you know..." I say trying to make him feel better.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says, once again, avoiding my gaze.

"To need a tutor I mean. Everybody needs help sometimes." I smile.

"Yeah..." He trails off.

"Okay let's get started!" I grin.


Three hours later...

"How are you not getting it?!?!?" I yelled. Turns out, Tyler is really great at science...math on the other hand, was a completely different thing.

"Why are there letters?!?!?" He yells in frustration.

"Because!!! They are missing variables that you have to find!!!!" I sigh in frustration.

"You know what, how about we work on this tomorrow?" He sighs and slips into the chair.

"Whatever," I groan and start gathering my books.

"Wait, don't you want to get to know each other?" He asks.

"Not really...see ya." I say as I blow through the door.

Yes I know that was mean.

Yeas I know that I was being a complete jerk, but honestly, I just needed a break! Three hours of yelling at a hot, stupid, charming boy was really taking a toll on me.


"Hey Brixton!"

I turn around trying to look across the cafeteria to see who had called my name.


"What?" I asked walking over to him.

"Want to study at my house after school?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah sure." I say as I turn and make my way towards Jaclyn and Kendrick.

"Hey guys," I smile as I take a seat next to them.

Jaclyn has been my friend ever since I moved here. Kendrick is her boyfriend and they are completely adorable. They are seniors this year and plan to get married once they graduate.

Jaclyn has long copper hair that reaches the back of her thighs. She is short and has a perfectly circular face.

Kendrick is big and bulky. He has black spiked hair and is so muscular that no one dares mess with him... Even though he would never hurt a fly.

I feel someone kiss my cheek and look up to find Straten Berkly.

"Hey babe." He says and takes a seat next to me.

Even though we weren't officially dating, we were definitely into each other.

"How was your day? Did you come late?" He asked slightly concerned.

"No, I tutor now!" I smile brightly and lean into him.

"Oh cool, who?" He smiles and looks down at me.

"Tyler Haws." I state with and over exaggerated eye roll.

"Oh," he says quietly and looks down at his tray.

Straten was tall and lanky. Don't get me wrong, he definitely had muscles, but he wasn't really bulging like Kendrick.

He has the darkest eyes I have ever seen. They look like dark chocolate. He has a creamy, almost milky complexion, but he wasn't really pale or pasty, just right. He has light brown hair and really long legs. He's pretty hot!

'But not as hot as Tyler' says a stupid voice in my head.

'Oh shut up!'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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