Anniversary of an Exile

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I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Christmas was a couple of months away and I, Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit, hadn't even started to make everyone's gifts. Though I should be able to procrastinate a little longer. So I continue to walk along the Prime Path headed towards Snowcheaster.

As I walk along I let myself gaze into Tubbo's supposedly uninhabited mansion and see weird walls in the middle of one of the rooms.

Huh. That's weird. I didn't know Tubbo had such a... unique sense for interior design...

But I choose to ignore it once again as I walk towards his much smaller house near the middle of his small country. The lights are on and I see shadows through the window. One of which is most definitely Tubbo, I can't mistake those horns and his fluffy hair. Even in a shadow I see his exaggerated movements distracting from his small stature.

But the other shadows.

They were both taller than Tubbo, but that didn't narrow it down at all, it was easy for someone to be taller than 5'6. Both of them seemed to have a sort of crown, and again, a lot of people have crowns, royalty or not. For example: Technoblade, he was a piglin brute hybrid from the nether. And he is an anarchist.

I shake my head, trying to stop myself from thinking about him. Skimming through my memories to find some other possibilities.

Could it be Ghostboo? No. He's a ghost, he doesn't have a shadow.

Maybee Sam? No. The creeper hybrid wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Snowcheaster after taking Ranboo's 3rd and final life.

Eret? No. He took Tubbo's 1st life.

And Techno took Tubbo's 2nd, so it couldn't be him either.

I walked towards the door as time seemed to slow. The only reason I know it didn't is because of the wind violently rustling my blond hair. The cold felt so welcoming on the scar that ran over what was remaining of my left eye. My other dull blue eye was squinting, it wasn't nearly as comfortable as everything else.

I reached out my hand to open the door as I caught a glimpse of the 4 hearts on my wrist. Three of them were red, and those three were broken. The 4th was yellow with a golden glow radiating off it. A constant reminder that I had been dead. A reminder that I had been revived. A reminder that Dream had killed me thrice, then revived me. To prove a point. To prove he was a god. He had escaped Pandora's Vault and chased me. He said he would do it again. But I hadn't seen him sense, and I was grateful for that as I turned the handle and opened the door.

Tubbo was having a tea party...

Not only that, but the ram hybrid was chit chatting with Technoblade and Eret... He was exchanging banter with the two people who took his lives in the past. Now I don't know a lot about relationships with your murderers, even with being tortured and killed three times by someone,but something was telling me this was a strange thing to do. And yes, even strange for Tubbo.

They hadn't noticed my entrance so I was going to make my presence known when they started talking about me.

"Do you think Tommy knows what today marks?" Did Eret see me? Or was he just talking behind my back?

"I was hoping everyone else forgot..." Forgot about what Tubbo? What's with that solemn look?

"Theseus is a smart kid. I think he'll figure it out even if all of the Dream SMP members tried to hide it." What are you talking about Techno? And why do you keep calling me that? I thought I told you to stop.

"Should we tell him then?" Tell me about what, Eret? You should say whatever it is every time you talk about it. It's only common courtesy to over-explain things every few seconds in case someone is eavesdropping.

"What are we supposed to say!?" Why is Tubbo mad? "Oh! Tommy!" He was mocking something. "It's the 1 year anniversary of me, Your beast friend, exileing you! From the country that you helped build! That blew up! Like what? Four times!?"

"Oh." they all look at me. Did I say that out loud? The feeling of something missing on my back left an ich I couldn't even begin to subdue.

"T-Tommy!?" Tubbo stared at me with wide, almost fearful eyes. "Did you hear that? Look, Big man, I didn't mea-"

My ears are ringing. All I hear is explosions. All I feel is sore. All I think is static.


I open my eyes. How long have they been closed? I see the hole that was home to the small bundle of tnt. My stuff was in that hole too. How long did it take to find those diamonds?

I look up and see Dream's smiling mask looking back at me.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Like always." he stated.

"What's the point of blowing up all my stuff anyways? Why do you have to watch me like a baby eagle? I'll tell you what I am not a baby eagle I am an adult Hawk-'' Why did I talk back again?

I fall to the ground as he punches me. Considering the only part of his face that was showing was his mouth, he looked really angry. I bring my hand over to wipe the blood off of my face.

My 2 electric blue eyes look down at my hand. The blood slowly drips down my arm. I looked at the blood that had adorned itself next to the 3 red hearts on my hand. The two broken ones were enough to remind me of what this man could do. So why do I still persist in talking back to him?

I had no time to react as he picked me up by the collar of my tattered shirt. Did I even have the will to fight back? His bright green hoodie with splatters of dry blood cast a shadow over the mask, the eyes of which seemed to glow in that moment. He scowled harder, if that was even possible, and through me to the ground again.

This time I was able to catch myself. But that was worse. My back was turned to him as I began to stand again. When he pushed me to the ground.

"Show me those pretty little wings again, birdy" he said in a mocking tone. But I listened. Why did I listen?

I knew he had already clipped them to make me bound to the ground. So why did he want to see my wings? I silently wonder as I sit up and unfold my wings.

I scream as his sword cuts through the hollow bone of my wings. The pain was something unfathomable and grueling. I feel the blood run down my back as I begin to cry.

"If you are going to be a teenager that is difficult to deal with, I'll need compensation. Your wings will do the trick." He lets go of me and watches as I blindly feel the ground searching for the disembodied appendages.

My face flushes of all colors as my fingers land on bloodsoaked feathers. I grab ahold of my wings and hold them close to myself as I drift into unconsciousness.

He finally leaves. He just walks away. Leaving me to my bloodied devices.

Maybe I can find help when I wake up? Maybe I can leave Logshire? I hope so. I've got no pride left to lose anyways.

Anniversary of an ExileWhere stories live. Discover now