Mission 4: find a wife

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Eden College.

The most prestigious private academy in Ostania.

It's know for its strict education and many of its students and alumni come from families with prominent status has made it extremely desirable for families to enroll their children. Because of its competitive nature, many parents try to buy their kid's way in through various generous donations.

The entrance exam has two parts. The first is a written exam.

The written portion was said to be extremely difficult to weed out the incompetent. It was up to you and Anya to pass. You weren't too worried, having had extensive tutoring since a young age. But Anya wasn't the best studier...you could only hope, for the sake of the mission, she would pass.

On the day of the exam, you were directed to the testing area with kids your age. The number was quite small since you were applying as a transfer. About thirty kids in total. The vast majority seemed extremely stressed out. One boy was praying. One girl was sweating bullets as she traced something on her hand multiple times. Another kid kept getting up to go to the bathroom.

Wordlessly, you took a seat in the corner. You smoothed out your skirt, trying to maintain your proper appearance.

"There is no need to worry about such a mundane thing..." you tell yourself. "Your mission is the most important. Do not distract yourself with others."

A short woman with deep brown hair pulled into a tight bun walked into the testing room. She wore thick glasses and had a stern look on her face. The other applicants seemed intimidated by her presence.

"I'm Marilyn Goodfellow, one of the English teachers at Eden," she says. Her voice sounds scratchy, like she was in desperate need of a lozenge. "You all are at the end of the line for becoming a student at this fine establishment, as the cut off age is 19. This is your last chance to prove yourself and become a student here. Don't mess it up."

It made sense. Kids could start as early as 6. 18 was the last year you could apply, because most students graduate the next year. You wondered if many of these students have come back to apply each year only to keep failing. Was the test really that hard?

Just what were you getting into?

The test packet comes around. You write your name at the top before opening the first page. You read the first question and begin.


A few days later, you, Loid, and Anya returned to the school now that the exam scores had been posted.

While Loid looked for Anya's, you went to the board for the 18-19 year  olds, year 13 class. To your surprise, out of the near thirty applicants, only three were posted. Only three passed.


You let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, yours was there. That's all that mattered.

Looking for your brother, you find him a little ways away, lifting Anya up, a smile on both of their faces. From the looks of it, you could assume she passed as well.

A slight flutter filled your chest. A strange sense of...happiness? Pride?

"Is this what a real family feels like?" You wondered. The thought lingered in the back of your head as you all made your way back home.

Once back at the new apartment (since Loid no longer trusted the old one), you got started on dinner. Your brother passed out on the couch right away, his exhaustion finally catching up to him. If anything, you were glad he was finally resting. You brother tended to go go go until he had nothing left to give. It wasn't the healthiest but you knew he couldn't help it with his job. So when he finally did rest you just let him.

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