chapter three: the garden of healing

Start from the beginning

I don't understand why my mind and body react the way they do to certain things. It took me months to train myself not to flinch involuntarily when I heard things I couldn't see. Nothing can hurt me, Mother Miranda wouldn't allow that...though my mind seems to refuse to grasp that.

"Oh, my have grown so much in the past years."
Mother Miranda sighs, before finally stopping. we seem to have been walking in a circle, as we're back to the pond I was crouching beside.

Her praise ends as she gazes into the water. It reminds me of when she first brought me here. I was wary of Mother Miranda for weeks after my rebirth, though she never left me on my own. She stayed with me and helped me in my time of need...I can never thank her enough for that.

"There is a real reason as to why I came here."
Mother Miranda mutters in her practically default soft tone of voice. She moves her gaze from the pond standing and begins to observe me instead of the fish.

"What would that be?"
I ask her. Her eyes are wider than I've ever seen them, her smile seems thinner, she seems to be...excited. Her face lights up ever so slightly when I return her smile.

"My child...You have grown so much, your abilities have surpassed many. I believe it's finally time for you to leave the garden."
She says, her voice sounding as happy as she looks.

The shocks in my body feel like they've multiplied. I can't seem to identify the emotion I'm feeling, but it's strong. My palms are beginning to sweat.

"Leave...the garden? Mother Miranda, where else would I go...?"
I ask her.

"You've become as pure, if not more pure than my other children. I believe it's finally time for you to meet with the rest of your child, I have never been more proud."
Mother Miranda says, quiet enough to be a whisper yet loud enough to send a shiver of uncertainty down my spine.

My family, the others that were given the same care that Mother Miranda gave to me. I knew they existed, and I knew that eventually I would see them...but it feels odd, maybe even wrong to hear these words echo in my mind. Meeting my family is something I honestly thought would take decades.

"Are you sure? I've learned so little in my time here...I feel underprepared for this."
I mumble.

"I've never been more certain than I am now...simply follow me outside this forest, and you will continue down the path you were meant to go down...all of them are already waiting."
Mother Miranda states.

I repeat.

"For you, my child...all of them are waiting for their youngest sibling to join their life."
She says, hands clasped together with a squinted eyed smile that I've never seen on her face before.

"Waiting for me? I didn't think they would."
I begin speaking to myself, muttering things under my breath as I try to decipher why exactly now is the time.

It all feels wrong. I can't tell Mother Miranda these thoughts, less I disappoint her...but it feels far too soon for me to meet the other members of my family. What if I'm not enough for them to consider me worth their time?

Mother Miranda grabs my hand with almost no grip. I stop all my thoughts and just...follow her, follow her every step as she inevitably leads me away from my home.

She walks for a much longer time than I remember walking to get into the garden in the first place, although eventually we do return to the village...I haven't seen it in what feels like decades.

"Two years."
Mother Miranda states suddenly, I look at her and tilt my head slightly.

I hum.

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