Chp 7.

15 1 5

Skeppy/Zak's POV

Today was a switch of things.

After we were done with the arcade I Puffy and Darryl went back to the house to chill out alittle bit. Puffy was unpacking some things, Darryl was watching TV and I was editing a video. It was one about me trolling Darryl that I recorded with him a few weeks ago. I close my laptop and walk downstairs. Darryl was still watching TV so I sit down next to him. "Oh hey Zak." He says hugging me. "Hi Darryl." I say hugging him back. "I was about to go ask you if you wanna go grocery shopping with me, I only need one thing." He said quietly. "Sure." I say letting go of him and holding my hand out so he can get up aswell.

We ask if Puffy wants to come but she declines are offer because she was streaming. I shrug as we both walk out of the house and say bye to Puffy. "The grocery store is walking distance because its in the town center. Do you wanna walk or drive?" Darryl asks looking at me. "We can walk." I say as we both start walking down the side walk. "Can I hold your hand?" I ask him. He giggles and blushes at me. "Yeah."


We both get to the grocery store and walk through the isles trying to look for what he needs. "What's the one thing you need?" I ask him. "Brownie mix!" He said still looking around. "I love brownies! Make sure they're gluten free though." I say knowing hes gluten free. "Yes Zak, I know." Darryl says shaking his head. "Aha! Found i-" He turned around to find no Zak to be found. "Zak?" Darryl said walking around. "Boo!" I say sneaking up behind him. "Ah! Zak don't do that I thought you got lost or something." Darryl says turning around. "Anyway I found the mix." He says holding it up to let me see. "Great! Lets go then." I say walking to the check out.

We finished checking 0ut and I start to walk out of the store with Darryl. Not paying attention to the road. "Zak theres a car coming stay there." Darryl says but I don't hear him. I walk in the road and look up to find a car coming at an unstopping speed. Unable to move out of shock Darryl grabs me by the collar and pulls me onto the sidewalk as the car zooms by. "Zak! You could have gotten hit you need to pay more attention!" Darryl says in a concerned voice while pulling me into a hug. Still shook I close my eyes and hug him back.

"Zak?" Darryl asks me shaking me. "Hm?" I say still holding him. "We need to start walking back." He says playing with my hair.  "Okay." I say letting go of him and holding his hand. "Promise to be more careful next time?" Darryl asks looking at me. I smile at him, "Promise." I say looking away.

Something is off about him.

516 words.

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