(24) Y-Y/n..?

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~•Haruto POV•~

Haruto: Aish- this is why I don't want to do the task!!!

I shouted as I running while raining. I don't bring my umbrella along, that's why my clothes wet right now


Haruto: DIE!

I said as I put my gun on his head and smirk devilishly


I sigh

Haruto: Did my task already finish?

I asked as I cleaning his blood on my face

Jaehyuk: Well, it's already finish-

Suddenly my phone ringing. I take out my phone and it was Yoshi. I immediately answer it

-In call-

Yoshi: Hello?!

Haruto: Hello?

Yoshi: Ah- Haruto!! Come here now!!! Y/n already wake up!!

Haruto: R-really!?!

Yoshi: How would I lie to you!? Come here!!!

-end call-

Jaehyuk: What's wrong? why are you crying?

He come closer. Well my tears dropped right now

Haruto: Y-Y/n..


Haruto: She already wake up!!

I smile widely while my tears not stopping from falling. He just stared to me. His eyes getting teary too. Suddenly he hugged me and immediately broke it

Jaehyuk: Let's go!!

We immediately running to our car and I see.. Junkyu pump the car tires. I come to him

Haruto: what's wrong?!

He looked up to me and he immediately stand up and bowed

Junkyu: Well.. This tires is leaking

He said as he scratching his head

Jaehyuk: What?!

He said from a far and come to we both

Haruto: When it will be finish?

I said as I crossed my arm

Junkyu: Umm.. 5 minutes..?

I widened my eyes

Haruto: That's long!! I must go to see Y/n!!

Junkyu: Did she already wake up?

He still fixing those tires and looked at me

I nodded

Junkyu: That's goo- WHAT!?

He was about to looked at tires again but he immediately looked at me while he widened his eyes

Haruto: Are there already finish?

He shook his head and fix it back

It's already 5 minutes but it seems like he didn't finish it yet

I heavily sigh

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 ᯓ✦ W.Haruto Where stories live. Discover now