You Are Light

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Both Xiao and Lumine have nightmares.

There is some sensitive stuff in this so proceed with caution I guess

In a way, his life was a living nightmare.

"Help me!"

"No...... No!"

"Stop this!"

"How could you?!"


"Get away from me!"

Those voices screamed in his head, the cries of the innocents he had slaughtered, the overwhelming dark, negative energy flowing through his body, the feeling of being suspended by the burden he had to go through.

Karmatic energy, the negative energy from those he had killed, and he now has to suffer, to pay back the debt of those he suffered by suffering himself. This was a regular routine for him. He had to bear with this for as long as he could remember, for as long as he was alive. 

Which was forever, since he couldn't die.

He panted, his vision focusing on his gloved hand, reminding himself that he shouldn't succumb, shouldn't be corrupted by the darkness. He is in control, he is aware, he will not succumb.

He will not succumb.

He recalled the beautiful tune he had listened, the one tune that saved his life. If it weren't for the man with the flute, he wouldn't be right here now. He was forever thankful to that person, but unfortunately he had no idea who the other person was.

His mind had drifted to the blonde traveller, the way she had smiled and laughed, the way she was so persistent in engaging with him despite his protests, the way she was so insistent in trying to help him despite his refusal. Mortals are complicated, this one in particular, he didn't really understand why she was doing all of this for him.

Foolish mortal, he thought to himself. Eventually, the pain within him had reduced, breathing a pant of relief. Yes, it still hurt, but at least he could think clearer now.

He looked up to the sky, his moves swift and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared, leaving a flash of teal and a breeze behind him.


“Welcome back, Xiao!” The cherry tone of the blonde girl rang throughout the room once he had entered. He nodded, looking back at the traveller, who was now sitting up, leaning against the bed, her lips curving up widely and her eyes in a twinkle. In a way, you could still say that the girl was still bedridden, but for someone who was in a condition like this, she was awfully positive about this.

Another thing to note down on the strange mortal.

“Ah, thank you, Xiao. I'm sorry for bothering you with my commissions. I had to do them somehow, but Paimon wouldn't let me leave so...” She trailed off, her lips pursed.

You are in no state to leave, you're still recovering, was what the adeptus wanted to say, but didn't want to voice out. “...” With his apathetic expression, he nodded and glanced away. “You're lucky that none of your commissions involve interacting with mortals, or else I would've rejected them long ago.”

“Of course, of course! I'm very well aware of that fact.” She smiled, and then her smile got wider at the next sentence. “Speaking of commissions, you don't have to help me anymore with them pretty soon! It's just these few times, then if you don't want to, I won't bother you again.” She was still smiling, he noticed, but her eyes had told him the opposite.

At least she knew to keep her distance and a thing or two about consent, he thought. Yet the thought of them going back to being strangers and ignoring each other, it ached his heart. But for now, since she's here, he wouldn't dwell on it too much and instead focus back to the other part of the dialogue at hand.

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