Chapter 2

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Khushi gasped, trying to talk through the tears clogging her throat, "Lavan...Lavanya ji, I...I am sorry. Please forgive me."

Lavanya asked bewildered, "Why are you apologising? Khushi, please calm down and start from the beginning."

Khushi haltingly spoke about her realizations of past mistakes and her regrets. "Lavanya ji, please forgive me. I am ashamed of what I have done. I should have tried to find another way."

Lavanya held Khushi's hands and said, "Chamkili, the makeover was a stupid idea but I had agreed to it. I wasn't forced. You are only responsible for your actions and no one else's. I have never blamed you so stop apologising."

I'm so relieved that Lavanya ji doesn't hold that time against me. Khushi feels as though the burden on her shoulders becomes lighter and sits up straighter.

Releasing Khushi, Lavanya walks towards the kitchen,"Oh, I followed a recipe to make you some masala tea. What do you want to have it with? I have biscuits, mixed nuts and crisps."

"Whatever you like is fine, Lavanya ji. I'm more excited to have the tea."

As Lavanya sets the tea tray in front of Khushi, she notices the mangalsutra on her neck. Chamkili got married? I didn't even even hear a peep of it before this.


"Yes, Lavanya ji? The tea smells amazing!"

"Forget the tea. Why are you wearing a mangalsutra?"

Oh, no. She'll hate me too. Khushi starts wringing her dupatta and stutters,"La...Lavanya ji, I...I can explain."

"When did all this happen? No, wait. Start with why you look like I am about to skin you?"

An entire afternoon of baring her soul to Lavanya, from her forced engagement to the current state of life after the sham of a marriage with Arnav Singh Raizada, left her sobbing till she was empty. Khushi did not realise how much pain and bitterness she was holding inside.

Lavanya silently held Khushi and let her pour her grief out. She couldn't believe so much had happened to Khushi in such a short time. The Khushi she knew was strong. Khushi Kumari Gupta thought herself invincible with her Devi Maiyya's blessings and would go on to overcome all odds because of her belief. But this shell of a woman was not her friend.

The purple rings on Khushi's arms belied angry grips, her tears and mental exhaustion painted a very grim picture in Lavanya's mind. Adding what Khushi had just told her about her marriage with ASR - his acts of love in one moment then throwing accusations and barbs at Khushi the next, the Raizada family's silent treatment and taunts from Mami ji - Lavanya was sure that Khushi was being emotionally abused.

Lavanya seethed at her realization. She felt like tearing apart everyone who hurt her innocent friend - ASR, his family, that Shyam and the Gupta family.

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