Jacob has some good news

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Bella's POV

I was walking with Jake to his house, he had some good and bad news for me.

"Bella," he stopped me when we were half way at his place.

"Yes Jake what is it?" I asked worried.

"I have good and bad news for you. What do you want to hear first?" he smiles at me.

"I want want to hear the bad news first," I say.

He looks down. "I'm leaving for a while and I wont be home."

I look down, and he he lifts me chin gently and kisses me. I kiss him back. "What's the good news?"

"The good news is that i imprinted on you and you can come with me." He smiles his big Jake smile. I smile back.

"That's great news" I say, then I continue. "I love you Jake."

"I love you too Bells", he kisses me again and I kiss him back. "Hey babe there's something I have been meaning to ask you I know its kind of all of a sudden but I love you and I can't stop thinking if you I will always love you will you do me the honours of becoming my wife?" I was literally crying happy tears Jake just proposed to me this is literally the best day ever squee! "Jake of course I'll be your wife as long as your my husband I love you so much and we kissed each other Jake said "I can't think of anyone else to share my life with" "Jake can I ask you something please?" "Anything for you, love" "Can you make love to me please?" We continued into our romance of happiness.

A couple months later we got married and we left to Canada.

When we were half way to Canada, we stopped.

"I need to tell you something Jake". He looks at me confused.

"What is it Bells?" I look down and make it look like it was very bad news.

"I don't think you want to know."

"Tell me please", he pleads.

"I'm pregnant", he kisses me. "That's amazing, I have a beautiful wife who is the love of my life, and now we're going to have a baby!" He says excitedly.

12 months 2weeks
Jakey, can you come here please I can find anything to wear I'm too fat!" He laughs "hun come on you aren't fat your gorgeous and glowing rays of happiness I love you always remember that". "Thank you for being a supportive husband and a supportive daddy this child is gonna love you forever I love you always too I'm so glad to have you"

Bella finally gets over EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now