"Madison," she replied and we started walking again.

"Really? That's a pretty name," I said.

Her cheeks reddened. "What if I told you my name was Madge?" she asked.

"I would say the same thing," I said. She shook her head again.

"Hurry up, you two!" Zayn yelled. "Stop flirting and get in the van, Louis! My hair is awful and we have to get home!"

I waved and glanced at Maddy. "I'm riding with Maddy!" I called.

"What?" she hissed and slapped my hand down. "No, you're not!"

But it was too late. "Fine," Liam sighed. "But how will you get home?"

"Go to the main park!" Maddy said. "I mean, after you shower and change and stuff. There's a firework show and cookout going on! All you can eat!"

"ALL YOU CAN EAT?!" Niall screamed. "We are so there! See you soon, Louis!"

Maddy and I laughed as they pulled out of the parking lot. Maddy took out her keys and swung them around on one finger. "I'm driving," she announced. "Just in case you were getting any ideas. You drive too slow, Grandma."

I pouted. "You do not call me Grandma!" I scolded.

She smirked at me. "Just did," she giggled and ran off to her truck. I chased after her.

It's almost scary how much she's like me. We're both sass masters, jokers, and carefree about pretty much anything. I wondered if she liked carrots. Future wife right there. Well, not literally, I was just saying if she liked carrots she would be the perfect wife. Okay, just forget I said any of that. Maddy would wring my neck for sure.

I got into the passenger seat and saw something sticking out of her purse. While she wasn't looking, I quickly pulled it out. It was an iPod.

"Hey!" she screamed and snatched it away from me. She was also very loud, like me. "No touchy!" She cradled her iPod and plugged it in to her truck. "I love this thing more than my own baby sister," she said.

"That's cruel," I said, frowning. "I have five and I love them to death."

She flashed me a bright smile. "I know," she giggled and started to pull out. Sometimes I forgot I was famous and pretty much everybody in the world knew who I was.

"What else do you know about me?" I asked as we drove to her place.

"Not much," she said with a shrug. "Which is surprising to most people because they think I know One Direction through and through. I'm not that obsessed. I'm not a stalker."

I laughed.

"Bet I can tell you everything about Harry though," she said, smiling.

"Okay," I said doubtfully. "Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Mexican; tacos to be exact."

"Commando or PJs?"


"Perfect date?"

"I've got three answers for that. He thinks it is very romantic to take a bath with a girl with rose petals and candles. He would take the girl out to eat and then watch a movie with her. The movie would probably be Bambi, as it makes the girl emotional and feel the need to cuddle. He always kisses on the first date."

I stared at her. She was smiling and her eyes had a triumphant gleam. "Told you so," she smirked.

"You're a stalker," I teased.

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