• Chapter 3: "Boredom Makes You Meet Him"

Start from the beginning

Taking another walk in the garden? I already did that today.. Read books in library? Ah, my head aches from looking more paragraphs of words after doing those researches.. So what?..... Only one thing I left then.. Exploring the castle.

I stood up from bed, dragging my body to the door and open it. It was going to be dark outside, so, the halls were lightened up by beautiful chandeliers. I stretched my body before leaving my bedroom door which was behind me.

Not knowing where to go, I just let my feet lead me to nowhere. Hoping on finding something interesting.

I looked around at my surroundings. There were lots of doors and pictures of mother. I know Im the royal daughter here, but nobody really thought me as one. They thought me as someone who lives in the castle as Tsaritsa's close family or someone. Its not like I hate it to be like this, instead, I want it to stay the same.

Busy with my thoughts about who I am considered here, I didn't notice that I've come to a dead end. There was a door infront of me.

But this door's appearence, was different from the other doors I saw earlier. The others was just normal, good wooden door with elegant frame. But this one, was made out of metal and had a passcode security next to it. This door wasn't seem fitting as an entrance to someone's bedroom or any other room, more like a secret room.

My detective senses then kicked in, telling me to crack the code. But.. How?

I glanced around looking for a clue like a dumb newbie playing a game. 'Y/n, this is literally not a game.' But still, I continued looking around. 'This is dumb, Im not getting any clue or anything.. Im getting nowhere doing this.' I cursed at myself.

I suddenly halted on hearing groalings from inside the metal door. I also heard beeping sounds. I hide myself behind a large fake plant decorated with fake snow and ornaments. Not a christmast tree tho.

I peeked a bit and saw a person came out of the metal door. He pushed back his eye-lenghted light blue hair from his face with his hand. He wore a turtle neck suit. He look pissed. He was groaling and mumbling inaudible words.

When he is finally out of sight, I came out of my hiding spot. Suprisingly, the metal door was still closing, slowly. I got the chance to sneak in. So, I hurrily get in the metal door before Im smushed.


It was dark inside, my eyes tried to scan my surroundings. I hardly can see anything. My hands found the wall. I glided my hand through the wall to find the light switch. Ah! Found it.

The lamp lit up the room, revealing an office. The desk was full with papers, scattered everywhere. But something caught my attention, it was a robot-like machine? It was placed down on a desk-like but specifically for experimental purposes.

I did not dare to touch it. Instead I felt guilty for entering. So, I decided to go back. But now the problem is.. how to get out..? The same door that I use to enter the room was also security-coded from inside.

'I got an idea!' I turned back and approached the desk with scattered paper. I shuffled them all, hoping to find a paper with a code that might open the door. I did this in a hurry, not wanting more trouble. Especially when that light blue haired guy came in when I was here.

I found a paper with 4 digit number, perfect to be a code for a door. I went to enter the code on the code tab which was next to the metal door I entered before.

"Beep, beep" It makes sounds as I tapped each digit of the code. After entering the code, it made a long beep. The metal door then made noise as it slowly opens.

Thankfully the hall infront of me was empty. I thought. A figure was approaching the door from afar. I inspected their features.. Its him.. And he is coming towards the door behind me.

And at the same time, I was going on the opposite direction as his. Making that, were probably going to see eachother side by side. And at this rate, he probably already caught me going out the door.

His steps got louder and louder. He walked faster than before. His figure getting larger as he saw me infront the door. I decided to go for it, even if its to pass right next to him. I just wanna go back to my room, it was late anyways.

When I passed next to him, I saw a glimpse of his eyes. He had red colored iris. But, it was empty and is only full of anger. Thanks to my instincts, I managed to escape from his grasp. I quickly ran behind him, leaving him alone. He turned to see me, I also looked back on him. But I kept running.

'It was luck to escape from him.'

-To be Countinued..

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