Chapter 3 4 years later

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I'm now in the seventh grade. I have been living with my grandma since the accident. Things are better but will still never be the same. Well if your wondering what I'm doing right now I'm sitting in the hospital room holding my grandmas hand. She suffered from a stroke and a heart attack. They said I have one more hour with her until I have to say my final goodbye. I didn't have family other then her she was my last hope, and well what was I gonna do after that? Who will I live with? Well I'm still not sure but at the moment with all those emotions in my head at that time I just wanted to enjoy my time with grandma. Who I loved to pieces.

Well the time came when I had to say my final good byes to my grandma I knew she couldn't speak because she was to weak but she started to tear up. It made me sad. But after that I left. One of the nurses pulled me into a room. "Hi Maggie I'm Tereasa and I'm here on the behalf of the child care organization. So tell me do you have any other family?" "Um no" I replied.
"Ok well this is what will happen we are going to put you in our orphanage with another group of sweet, sweet girls and hope that you might someday get adopted." Tereasa said. I was so shocked I didn't want that to happen. Ugggggg how I wish I had my life back. But I had no decision what else was I gonna do.

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