"I mean, I wouldn't be against it," Eddie joked. Venom pretended to be hurt and gasped.

"Take that back, you little noodle," Venom growled, playfully swatting at him with a paper as Eddie got up to get his pajamas out to go to he shower.

"I'm not a noodle, and I don't think I've ever been called that in my entire life," Eddie said, laughing a little.

"Well, now you have," Venom smirked. Just before the bathroom door closed, he added, "Noodle."

"I'm not a noodle!" Eddie called back, grinning.

Venom only shook his head and chuckled to himself.

Carlton lay in his bed on his phone. It was dark out and he was texting Dora.

Hey, so are you coming to the homecoming event tomorrow night?

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. My flight got cancelled and I won't be able to make it tomorrow. 😭

Aww, but who am I going to go with?

Why not your roomate?

Dora, my roomate is a hulking, eight and a half foot tall alien with teeth that would slice your face off, Drake replied. Anyway, he doesn't seem keen on talking.

I was joking, but maybe you should talk to him more. Maybe he has difficulty with interacting with others.

It's worth a shot.

Again, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it. I know you were looking forward to this.

It's alright. Don't worry about it. Stay safe and have a good night.

You too!

Drake turned his phone off and put it on charger. He glanced over and saw that the large, mercury-gray symbiote was laying on his own bed, staring up at the ceiling.

He wasn't good at starting conversations, but when he got going, he felt more confident. Maybe Dora was right. Maybe Riot was just lonely and needed someone to talk to but didn't know how.

Maybe there was something in Riot's life that was going downhill right now. Carlton didn't know but what he did know was that Riot was being very quiet and that made him think. Not even introverts were this quiet.

"Hey," he said.

"Hmm." came the acknowledgment.

"You doing okay?"


"You got anyone to go with you for homecoming?"

Drake watched the creature sit up and couldn't help but shudder internally when those large, cold, piercing white eyes bored into his.

"No. Do you?"


"I thought your little girlfriend was coming," the symbiote grunted sourly.

"She was, but her flight got delayed."

"Mmm, how sad," the gray symbiote sneered. "Now you're going to have to go to homecoming alone."

"Well, there's always other options."

"The sign up sheet is full. I already checked."

"Oh." Carlton was silent for a moment. "Hey, uh, with all that was happening today, I never really got to get your name."

"Riot," came the grunt.

"I'm Carlton."


Are We Only Roommates? Venom and Eddie College AUWhere stories live. Discover now