"I said I wanted to speak to you in private."She said, and I nodded walking with her. We were now standing in a room what seems like laundry room, since there was a washing machine and a dryer. Dumb ass hoe.

"It's about Grayson." She said and before she could continue interrupted her "look cam I'm sorry if what I'm about to say is rude but, I know he's your cousin and I LOVE you, but I HATE him with my whole heart, he's done more damage in the past too, not only last time." I said.

"No it's not what you think, well kind of I guess? And I feel so fucking guilty and I need to get it off of my chest." She said and I was not sure what she was talking about.

"Cam, what are you talking about?" I asked her, and I already got a weird feeling in my gut. "It's because of me why Grayson acted so mad! And why he said all those things!" I felt betrayed.

"What do you mean?" I told her. I swear to god, if she betrayed me, or talked shit about me, I will end this friendship right now.

"Do you remember what I told you at the door?" She asked and I thought back about that day...

Flashback *Isabella's POV* (chapter 20).
"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Camilla, Grayson's cousin. Unfortunately" she mumbled the last part, and I laughed about it

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Isabella" I said before sticking my hand forward for Camilla to shake.

"Girl, you're so pretty, this boy next to you? Total trash I got someone for you if you want his name is-" that's when Gray interrupted

"Okay okay we get it Camilla this is Isabella, Bella this is Cam well let's go eat now I'm starving." He said before walking into the house not bothering to wait up on us.

I looked at her and she waved it off. "He's always grumpy when he's hungry." She said and I laughed, "I get that, same shit with me." And she laughed "I only know you for a couple minutes and I already like you" she said before we walked into the house.

End of flashback

"Yes I remember. What about it?" I asked her. "Well, you went to the toilet and I was annoying him like I always do and I told him as a joke that I found a nice guy for you," wait what "you said what!?" I asked her shocked.

"No wait there's more I can explain!" She said and I sighed and sat on a chair next to the washing machine and she did the same before continuing.

"And he got mad so I immediately told him it was a joke and he said he believed me. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't knew he was jealous!" I interrupted her again. "Wait, you said that he was jealous? But why?" I asked her.

"That's how he is, but if I knew he would say things like that, I would've told you sooner but I only realized it when we were on our way to the party, when you went and sat on Chris' lap, he looked mad so that's when I got it. I'm so sorry I hope you don't hate me too," she confessed. Wow.

"Cam I-" I didn't know what to say. I took a deep breath. "Look, I don't hate you okay? And don't feel guilty, you made a joke with him, that's the only thing you did." I said.

"Yes but I still feel guilty about it." She said before looking at her hands. Camilla is a girl who jokes around a lot and really cares about people, but she's also sensitive she told me once and people used to take advantage of that and make her feel miserable, that's why she overthinks everything now but she hides it really well. Story of my life.

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