an old face

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second part (:

stiles pov:
it had been 2 months  since i returned. i had redone my room, it now had wall paper a dark blue colour, a bigger bed, a punch bag, and fairy lights that covered the ceiling.  i had addresses and photos with sticky notes all over one wall, trying to find any of the gladers again. so far no luck but i was close to minho. i  put the few items i had from the glade in a small box under my bed.
a doll from chuck, a knuckle duster from gally, a small note from newt  (the way he had told me he loved me)  and a flask that minho had got me, everyone from the glade had carved  their initials on it, i loved it. 

the mccall pack hadn't noticed much, even if their sense of smell is off the charts i know exactly how to hide my emotions. hell they never noticed when i was sad before so how could they know now.
i had picked up a couple old traits to keep the facade but they still distanced themselves from me, something along the lines of "if you won't tell us what happened then how can we trust you" as if they have any right to know about my life.

i miss my family everyday. at the moment my father is the only one i care for. he's a great dad from what i've seen.

once again i jogged to school. only a nice old lady has seen me sprint so far but all she did was pinch my cheek and  tell  me to run at the olympics.

i arrived and walked straight in. the pack no longer waited for me at the entrance, Lydia occasionally unless Scott caught sight  of her, then she couldn't. god he's such a slinthead, i called him that once. he looked at me like i'd told him to kick a puppy.

i sat down next to Lydia once i entered the class room, i think she's pretty okay. at least compared to the rest of the pack. she smiled at me and went back to drawing on her hand. it was a mushroom :)  i rested my head on the desk and began to doze off.
just before i could coach entered, shattering any previous tranquility.  he bellowed

"listen up, we got a new kid here. he could probably beat the crap out of any of you. yes even you Scott. and i like him. meet..

i lifted my head up slightly, my eyes widening.

he said a smile creeping onto his face.

i leapt out of my seat and tackled him into a hug, his eyebrows raised to astronomical height as i did so which got me laughing loudly.

"i- what? how??"

he asked confusion littering his features.
"oh my god i have so much to talk to you about"
we said at the same time before bursting out into laughter.

"stillinksi, Patrick, sit down you maniacs"
coach said hauling us up.

i headed back to my seat gally close behind.
this can't be real. surely not. but man am i happy to see him.
Scott gave us a quizzical look from across the classroom, i just ignored him and told gally we would catch up at break.

-time skip to break-

we headed out to the lacrosse pitches and sat down on the bleachers,

"how the shuck are you here right now?"
i said
"i could ask the same about you"

"well i live here"
"now i do too"

i smiled at him. to be honest it's been extremely isolating and actually terrifying to be so alone. my nightmares plagued my sleep and flashbacks bit me in the day.

"i'll give a quick recap then you,
as you know we were rescued which honestly was annoying as hell. especially when they ripped us all apart while we were shucking asleep! i woke up in somewhere called new york and everyone there were absolute slintheads. unbearable, i spent two months trying to work out where everyone was situated and eventually stumbled across your stupid face. i told my mum, Evelyn, that i wanted to move here so i could be with my old friend and she actually agreed. now i'm close to finding aris but newt. newts a mystery mate i'm sorry"

i smiled softly  we were both doing the exact same thing. i wonder which other gladers were.

"i can't tell you how happy i am to see your buggin' face too. i came back to some supernatural disaster where my old friends wanted to know every last detail. i told them nothing really and in retaliation they kicked me out their dumb little pack. i was gonna leave anyway but damn.. your supposed best friend disappears for 3 years and your first instinct is to kick him out your life??"

we lean back on the bleachers and talk about our new lives and how how our names are so stupid

"Patrick? really?"

"slim it sTiLlInSKi"

"hey nah they all call me stiles but i'll admit it's shucking weird"

we were just enjoying each others company when the Mcall pack came strutting over.

"who is this stiles? why are you such good pals with him? is this related to the kidnapping? why wouldn't you tell us there were others?"
Scott inquired , bombarding me with questions like it was an interrogation.
before i could answer anything gally spat out
"listen i don't know if your jacked or just plan stupid, but how bout you leave Thomas alone? sound good? i shucking hope so, or not i'd love an excuse to beat the klunk out of you"

gally rose up as he spoke and was now staring straight into Scott's eyes.
i tensed slightly at the use of 'Thomas' but hoped we could play it off as a nickname.

"sorry Scott but you don't really get to know all about MY life when you kicked me out of YOUR pack"
i said, fists clenched slightly. i had to remember that to then i was still weak little stiles. the comedic relief.

"why did you call him Thomas?"
Scott said. completely blocking my previous statement out.

"that's his na-"

i covered gallys mouth, he glared daggers at me and licked my hand.  i already knew this would end in a fight. maybe it would be good and i could blow off some pent up steam.

"eww gally what the hell??"

he pushed me over and tried to drop on me, grinning i rolled away, he landed with a 'whump'  i kicked his legs,
"you've lost your edge man, i thought you were gally. guess i was mistaken.

he scrambled  back up and gave me a wicked smile. 

"you don't wanna do this, we all know what happened the first time"
he teased. the mccall pack had stepped back. Scott had a protective arm out in front of them.

"oooh i'm so shucking scared"
i laughed back.

he ran to tackle me and i ducked away, grabbing his leg i pulled it out from under him and he fell to the floor. again. without warning he snatched my arm and yanked me down twisting his body he sent his palm down on my back. i hit the ground hard. still chuckling i jumped up and stood ready. we began throwing useless jabs at eachother. trying to get the other to slip up. he kicked my knee making me drop slightly, he then kicked me in the chest, sending me backward, i leapt up and punched him square in the stomach before landing a hard hit on his arm.  we stood there circling one another. a glint in his eyes as he spied an opening.
he ran at me again, this time i swiped both feet from under him. grabbing his arm as he fell and twisting it over his back.

"give up?"
i asked with a toothy grin

"ugh fine"
he said after a few moments of trying to wriggle out of my grip.

"stiles. patrick. what was that."

yes i introduced gally first. he is very cool and i love him. anyway another part for me to read ((:
if anyone does see this. what do u want me to do? like story wise?

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