"May be you are right but I don't want to force him." I stated. "You are not forcing him. Just let him see all the love and care you have for him. Eventually he will realise that you are the right one for him. I am not asking you to force him but atleast utilise the opportunity. That's all I want." Can said. Can was right though, I cannot force him but I can atleast make him feel my love for him.

"We are leaving soon after breakfast. Just look after the activities that are happening behind my back." I said. "Well, talking about that, I heard that Mrs Malee have gone crazy after coming to know that you have disappeared. She showed up at the office and scolded everyone. All are searching for you. You better be aware." Can informed.

"I had left a note that I am going away for a while. It's not something to make an issue about." I said with a boring tone. I knew very well why she was creating issue. It was because that she was worried that if something happens to me, she will have to live on streets.

We had just ended our conversation when Pete stepped out of the room all dressed up and looking pretty. "Can, you are here!!" Pete said in a cheerful voice. "Pete!!" Can greeted. Just then the waiter walked in carrying the breakfast. He placed the plates on the table and left. "Let's have breakfast... We have a long way to go." I said.

We had breakfast while talking about various stuff. It was mainly Can trying to fish out information from Pete. Once done, I proceeded to get my stuff from room while Pete and Can continued talking.

When I returned back, I saw Can and Pete exchanging numbers. God!!! Can is seriously going to create a trouble. "Pete, it was nice meeting you. Stay in touch." Can said while shaking his hands with the cute guy. "Sure Can.... See you soon." Pete replied.

We walked out of the room heading towards the entrance. The car was already kept ready. I bid my goodbye to Can and got inside the car. Pete was a little emotional saying bye to Can. He got into the passenger seat and I started the engine.

I can see Can waving at us as I drove out of the place. It was a long journey and a good sleep was beneficial right now. We continued our journey while stopping at regular intervals for some necessary stuff. We had lunch at around 2.00 pm and was now headed in the direction of another city.

I can see the clouds appearing at the far distance as we drove. They were getting denser and denser as we approached. The sky began to turn dark. I began to drive at faster speed in order to reach the other city. It was clear that the weather was going to turn rough in coming hours and we needed to hurry.

Soon, the bright sunrays got hidden behind the dense cover of cloud that had enveloped the sky. Wind began to blow and I can see flashes of lightening at far distance. The weather had begun to turn rough. I hope, I can find a shelter somewhere near.

I was looking around trying to find some place to stay when there was a bright flash of lightening. Pete screamed out loud and I turned to look at him. The lightening was soon followed by loud roar of thunder. Pete was trembling in fear.

"Pete, are you alright?" I asked. I was now worried for him. "I am s-scared." He replied. "What are you scared of?" I inquired. "Lightening and thunder." He replied. This was the worst thing. I checked the time to see that it was 6.00 pm. The city was still long way and I don't think that I will be able to drive that far. I parked the car aside and then moved to grab a travel blanket that I have kept in my luggage. I pulled it out and wrapped it around Pete.

I then gave him ear muffs which he immediately put on. "Close your eyes and stay calm. I'll try to find a place to stay. Okay?" I tried to assure. He nodded in response. "C-Can I sit close to you?" he asked.

How can I deny such a request? I hummed in response and he scooted closer wrapping his hands around my arm. I started the engine and began to drive again. It had started to rain and strong winds were blowing making it difficult to drive. But there was no way that I could wait at a place. Pete was scared and I needed to find a place to stay for tonight.

If only I knew that there was going to be thunderstorm, I would have stayed back at the hotel than deciding to drive. The weather continued to get rougher and rougher.

At a far distance I saw some lights. I drove in the direction of the place. The building wasn't something that I could call as hotel. It was a house but we needed a place to stay. May be I could ask them to help. I drove in the direction of the house and stopped my car outside.

"Pete, just stay here. I'll see if I could get some help. Okay?" I said in a gentle tone. "Okay but hurry back." Pete said. I nodded and rushed out of the car towards the house. I was completely drenched in rain by the time I reach the entrance. I knocked on the door and waited impatiently with my gaze fixed on the person inside the car.

Thankfully, the door was opened soon revealing a man in his 40s, he looked quite friendly. "Yes?" he said. "We were heading towards the city but suddenly the weather got rough and my friend is really scared of lightening and thunder. Will you please allow us to stay at your place for a night?" I pleaded. I was even ready to pay him if he rejected. But instead, he smiled and spoke, "Oh dear, go and quickly get your friend inside. I'll ask my wife to prepare the room for you. Wait, let me get you an umbrella." He said and rushed inside the house. He soon appeared with an umbrella and handed it to me. "Thank you sir... thank you so much." I said. He don't even know how much it meant for me right at this moment. I rushed towards the passenger side and opened the door.

"Pete, Come, we can stay here for tonight. I have spoken to the person." I said. I held Pete's hand as he got down from car. We hurriedly walked towards the entrance. It was already dark and the flashes of lightening looked more brighter.

"Come in..." the person said. "Go inside... I'll get our bags." I said and rushed back to the car. I grabbed Pete's bag and mine and soon rushed inside the house. I stepped in only to see that it was illuminated with candles. "No electricity?" I asked.

"No... Trees must have fallen because of storm, there is hardly any chances of the electricity to return. We have already got the guest room ready for you. There is hot water too inside the bathroom if you want to take a bath. Get fresh and come, my wife have already cooked the dinner." The person informed.

I thanked him for his hospitality and helped Pete get up. The person ushered us towards the room and left. Thank God we have a place to stay for tonight. We cannot continue till tomorrow morning. I closed the door of the room and guided Pete towards the bed to sit. He was still scared.

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