Chapter Four - The Song (/ij)

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"So, where are we headed? You got some place for us to stay?" Alice the comedy relief character said. He has a point- I would also like to know where I'm supposed to be staying. In fact, I had a lot of questions. Why is it impossible to be on this island? How did we get here? Who was that scarved man? Why does Ranmaru look so much like a sheep?

Here comes a long speech from our sheep buddy. "We're going to the apartments. You can stay with me. There's not a whole bunch of room, but it'll do. I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me. I have a lot of questions for you as well. But our priority right now needs to be getting you both to a safe space. Sara Island isn't the biggest island, so we should be there in around an hour or walking. We're just about to the Food Mart, we should stop to get some food. Any requests?"

Alice and I thought for a moment. Just then, something came to me. "We are on Egbenedia, correct? I suppose some eggs benedict is in order. I do make a stellar eggs benedict." I looked at Alice's face and he seemed very excited. Ranmaru nodded and we continued walking. Alice started a conversation about the word 'yikes'. Not a very interesting conversation, but it was something to disturb the silence.

"Mwahahaha! And that's why yikes is the best word!" Alice said. "Oh wait, Kai... I do have a question for you." After hearing the vibrations of his voice form words, I looked at Alice, awaiting a response. "Why... Why are you so tall? You're like... 10 feet? (3 meters)"

Eventually we made it to the Food Mart. "Wait here," Ranmaru directed. "If the wrong person is working... then you're in trouble. It's best to stay in hiding for now." Soon after Ranmaru headed in. Alice and I were squeezed behind a couple bushes so that o one could see us. Through the wall we were able to hear his conversation.

"Good evening, Kuramada. Here are all my items- you can just put it on her bill." Ranmaru stated

"You having a party? This is a lot of food for just you. And... eggs benedict? You don't strike me as the 'chef' type." The Kuramada responded.

"Just thought I'd try it out." Sheep man said, probably sweating.

"You gotta be shittin' me. You've brought outsiders in, haven't you?" The muscley man said as he scanned the items. Ranmaru laughed nervously. "I couldn't care less. Just stay out of trouble, ya hear?" Ranmaru coughed and walked out of the shop. He walked to where we were hiding and urged us to come out.

"All good. Let's go." Sheepmaru said, and we headed off.

Not too long after that we arrived at the apartments. Getting inside was a hell of a ride, but we got there in the end. Finally, we were safe. We all sat down. Now we could get our questions answered for real. But first...

"I am getting hungry. Shall I make eggs benedict?" I offered.

"Yes! Yes yes yes! I have been looking forward to this all day!" Alice said. Ranmaru chuckled and stood up and I followed. He got all of the ingredients out and taught me how to use his stove. Which, to be fair, was a very confusing stove. It would have been very difficult to figure out on my own. I got my best friend Freeda out and started cooking.

I started singing to myself quietly:

"Oh, what have I done? Yo mama came undone..."

"In yo mama, I'll find my grace. She'll save me from the dark."

"Yo mama and me..."

My eggs benedict was done. I plated them and handed them to Alice and Ranmaru. Alice was the first to speak up. "This looks delicious!" And he took a big bite. Ranmaru nodded in agreement and took a bite as well. Their faces lit up with delight! "This is so good!" Ranmaru said swallowing his food. Alice hummed in delight. It always brings a smile to my face to see other people enjoy my food. We all finished our food quickly.

After we cleaned up, We all got into a comfortable seat. I was worried at first that there wasn't going to be a chair tall enough for me, but Ranmaru had a chair that not only was comfortable but also adjusted heights! I got really lucky there. Now it was all settled. It's time to get to the real problem here.

"What do you mean... our existence on this island is impossible?" I asked. I needed this question to get answered as soon as possible.

"We only just showed up. Nothing special happened... We were sailing here, and then we were here. Is there something wrong with us being on this island?" Alice added. Ranmaru looked stressed as well as deep in thought. Then he responded. "You both... are already here. You can't... be here... because you're already here. You must be a fake... how could you be here otherwise?"

Alice and I looked at each other. How could we be fake? He answered our question with another question. Not only was it surprising, but it's impossible for us to answer. "We are the only ones who are ourselves!" Alice said dramatically. "Anyone else must be a fake! Isn't that right Kai (Tall)?"

Ranmaru looked perplexed. He looked down in his seat toward his lap with his folded hands inside. "You're already here. On this island. We should... we need... I need to find them. But they can't see you or they might... I don't know. But it would be bad." Ranmaru was right. We needed to get to the bottom of this. "Let's rest first." The sheep said. "It's late and we're going to need all the rest we can get for tomorrow.

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