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( Listen to this song since my topic's name is on the name of a song. Amazing right? Let's get into the story. If you find any grammatical mistake here, please make sure to tell me.)

* At flight *


I am going to meet Sho after a long time. I don't know how she will react. I will give surprise to her.

" Dad, how is my mom? Means how my mom looks? Is she beautiful? What does she do? " Shoko asked

" Your mom is a beautiful lady. She looks like an angel. And, she is a J-Pop idol in Japan. " I replied

" That's so cool. " Shoko said

" But your mom don't used to be so popular earlier. Your mom was a poor makeup artist. She hardly get good wages and her mother used to be ill. Your mom always take care of her. She died on the day of our marriage. She cried at that time and I didn't do anything to calm her mind. It was because I was not happy with my marriage. I also tortured her when Kanao lied to me that she was hurt by Sho. Kanao was my ex girlfriend. When I learnt that she was just using me for my money, I left her and started caring for your mom. She is everything for me now. " I said

" I see, dad. You and mom are forced into marriage. But, you still are a good couple. It's a very big thing. " She said

" Hmm " I nodded

* At home *

" See this is our home where we used to live together. " I said

" But the house is locked dad. Where is mom and my brother? I can't see them. " She said

Door is locked. Where is Sho? Did she left the house? Something is wrong. I think something has happened to Sho.

Suddenly, I saw a neighbour coming towards me.

" Ohh my, Mr. Kamado! When did you arrive? I am delighted to see you again here. Is that your daughter? She is lovely. I can see that you are looking for your wife. But sorry to say you that she doesn't live here anymore. Actually she has signed a contract according to which she has to live in company's apartment. And worse thing, her boss is Kanao. That witch girl. Sho is not even allowed to see her child. She is suffering. " She said

No, this is not true. How can this happen? Sho is all alone by herself. She didn't even called me once for help. She also sacrificed her own child for her job. Something is weird about this. I need to know everything. It must be Kanao's plan. This is terrible.

" Thank you for letting me know about it, Madam Matsuoka. "  I said

" Ahh, don't say thank you Mr. Kamado. We are neighbours right." She said

" Ok then, Sayonara! "  I said

Then I took a separate key from the key person ( I don't know what to say lol).
As we entered the house, we saw that everything was normal at home.

It was like no one was used to live in this home. This lonely feelings.

" Shoko, you are going to school from tomorrow since I have to go for work. And don't worry, I will be there to pick up up from school. Ok?? "  I asked her.

" Sure daddy, as you wish. "  She said


Why do I feel so weird lately? As if someone is remembering me. Anyways, I need to focus on my upcoming show.

" Girls, are you all ready for practice? "  Our trainer asked.

" Yes mam. "  We said

All of a sudden,  I started to feel dizzy and fell on the ground.

" What happened Sho? Are you okay? "  My best friend Lia asked.

" Oh yeah, I am totally fine. I just felt little dizzy. Don't worry about it. Let's continue with our practice. "  I said.


Hi guys, myself Lia. I am Sho's best friend when she first entered our team. She is a skilled vocalist and dancer. She has a 14 year old son named Leo. And, she also has a husband whom she described about secretly. Her husband is Tanjiro Kamado, the famous animator. But, she feels quite lonely without him. Sho always looks upset and rarely talk to anyone except me. Miss Kanao used to torture her everytime she did anything wrong.

I really wanna help my friend to make her happy. I need to find her happiness.

* At evening *

This place is so cool. This park is the best thing I have ever seen. These gentle breeze, these tress etc. are so beautiful. I am amazed.

Suddenly, I saw a crowd running over a person. I went in the crowd. I heard they were shouting  Kamado san. Is this Tanjiro Kamado? Amazing. I have a good luck today. I will meet my friend's husband today. I went to him.

And to my surprise, he is the handsomest guy ever. And he has a daughter. Means, Sho has twins. She didn't tell me about that.

Anyways, I try to start a conversation to Kamado.

" Excuse me, Can I talk to you Kamado san? " I said

" Sure, by the way, who are you? "  He asked

" I will tell you, but not infront of the crowd. Let's go somewhere else. " I said

" Ok. "  He said

* Under the tree *

"  Now tell me. " He asked.

" I am your wife's friend, Lia. I also work in Kanao's company along with your wife. "  I said.

" How is Sho? And how did you know I am here? "  He asked

" She is fine but lonely without you. And, I just saw you in the crowd. It was just a coincidence. "  I said

" So, Can we bring her back home now? "  He asked

"  You can't do it right now, Kamado san. It's impossible. You can't take him before our last show which is coming next month. After that, our group will be disbanded and you can take her back home. "
I said

" I see. Okay, I will go now. Shoko is waiting for me. And please take care of my Sho. Don't let her feel alone. "  He said

"  Sure! " I said

Total words:  1029
Next time:  Bullied

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