Part 4

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Bruce Banner: [in Banner's lab; referring to Barton] How's he doing?

Tony Stark: Oh, unfortunately, he's still Barton.

Bruce Banner: That's terrible.

Tony Stark: He's fine. He's thirsty. [walking over to the computers] Alright. Look alive, JARVIS. It's play time. We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis.

JARVIS: The scepter is alien. There are elements I can't quantify.

Tony Stark: So there's elements you can.

JARVIS: The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful.

Tony Stark: Like a reactor?

JARVIS: Like a computer. I believe I'm deciphering code.

Natasha Romanoff: [to Dr. Cho as she tends to Barton's wounds] You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together.

Dr. Helen Cho: There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum.

Bruce Banner: She's creating tissue.

Dr. Helen Cho: If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes.

Tony Stark: Oh, he's flatlining. Call it. Time?

Clint Barton: No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic.

Tony Stark: [Stark hands Barton a drink] Here's your beverage.

Dr. Helen Cho: You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.

Clint Barton: Well, I don't have a girlfriend.

Dr. Helen Cho: That I can't fix. This is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust.

Tony Stark: Well, that is exactly the plan. And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.

Dr. Helen Cho: Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties. [she hesitates a moment before asking]Will Thor be there?

Jean - she total has a crush on Thor!

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