Part 13

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[U-Gin Genetic Research Lab, Seoul, Korea - as Cho enters her lab, she sees Ultron]

Ultron: Scream, and your entire staff dies. I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't.

Dr. Helen Cho: Do you expect a thank you note?

Ultron: I expect you to know why.

Dr. Helen Cho: The Cradle. [she hears her own recorded voice] "This is the next thing, Tony."

Ultron: the next me.

Dr. Helen Cho: The regeneration cradle prints tissue, it can't build a living body.

Ultron: It can, you can. You lack the materials. You're a brilliant woman, Helen. But we all have room to improve. [Ultron uses the scepter to mind-control Cho]

[At Barton's house, Natasha and Banner are still experiencing the after effects of Wanda's hallucinations; Banner walks out of the bathroom and sees Natasha waiting outside]

Bruce Banner: I didn't realize you were waiting.

Natasha Romanoff: I would've joined you, but uh, it didn't seem like the right time.

Bruce Banner: They used up all the hot water.

Natasha Romanoff: I should've joined you.

Bruce Banner: Missed our window.

Natasha Romanoff: Did we?

Bruce Banner: The world just saw the Hulk. The real Hulk, for the first time. You know I have to leave.

Natasha Romanoff: But you assume that I have to stay? I had this, um, dream. The kind that seems normal at the time, but when you wake...

Bruce Banner: What did you dream?

Natasha Romanoff: That I was an Avenger. That I was anything more than the assassin they made me.

Bruce Banner: I think you're being hard on yourself.

Natasha Romanoff: Here I was hoping that was your job. [she moves closer to him]

Bruce Banner: What are you doing?

Natasha Romanoff: I'm running with it, with you. If running's the plan, as far as you want.

Bruce Banner: Are you out of your mind? [Banner turns away from her]

Natasha Romanoff: I want you to understand that I'm...

Bruce Banner: Natasha, where can I go? Where in the world am I not a threat?

Natasha Romanoff: You're not a threat to me.

Bruce Banner: You sure? Even if I didn't just... there's no future with me. I can't ever... I can't have this, kids. Do the math, I physically can't.

Natasha Romanoff: Neither can I. In the Red Room, where I was trained, where I was raised, um, they have a graduation ceremony. They sterilize you. It's efficient. One less thing to worry about. The one thing that might matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier. Even killing. [she hesitates a moment]You still think you're the only monster on the team?

Bruce Banner: What, so we disappear?

[Steve and Stark are chopping wood outside Barton's house]

Tony Stark: Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?

Steve Rogers: Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things. I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception.

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