2. The Eyes

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I look at where the four boys are sitting. They were laughing out loud at some joke one of them just told.

"What are you gu-" I stopped mis sentence when beautiful greenish- blue eyes looked at me. I stared at them for at least a minute then snapped out of daze when one of the boys with Brown hair started talking.

"Hi were The Fooo, Are you Sofia?"

"Umm yes I am. What are u guys doing in house? Can you please get out this is kind of like breaking and entering." I explained.

"Actually were here to see you." Someone replied. I looked to were the voice came when my eyes locked to the same greenish-blue eyes. There was just something about them that I couldn't get out of my mind. I finally figured out that the voice came from the other side of the room.

"Why are u here to see me?" I asked. He started into a full explanation but I wasn't listening. I walked over to a spot were they weren't sitting in and sat down.

"I'm Felix" I turned around to see the same eyes again. I looked at him completely and I admitted to myself he was so freaking cute. He had his hand out for a hand shake

I took his hand and shook it. "I'm Sofia, as you probably already know, you guys are here to see me."

"Yep you're right." He laughed and it was so cute. I smiled and started talking. I just got lost in those eyes.

3 hours later

They started getting ready to leave. "Hey!" I whipped around to see Felix coming towards me with a tiny little piece of paper in his hand.

"I was wondering since you live here maybe you can show and the guys around town. Or just me if you want." He looked straight into my eyes when he asked me.

"I would love to either one." I responded back with a smile.

"Well heres my number I'll text u later when I get your number." He winked and I slightly bit my lip. I'm always a sucker for winks, like it doesn't even make sense.

"Well I'll text you later." He started walking towards the door. "Bye."

"Goodbye cutie" he winked again, then left. I closed the door and looked out the side window to see him walking down the steps of my house. He was extremely cute and when he winked it made my day so much better.

I looked away when I couldn't see him anymore. 2 hours later my mom came home and made dinner for us. As usual she asked about my day and told her it was fine. I went upstairs to my room and looked at his number. I typed it into my phone and texted him.

Sofia: Hey Felix its me Sofia. What time do you want to get together. Since you know where I live lets meet up at my house.

A minute later my phone buzzed.
Felix:Hey :) and time um how about 11am? Is that okay?

Sofia:11 is okay I'll see you tomorrow. Bye

Felix:Bye ;)

I smiled when he responeded back. Even texting him made me smile. I looked at the text message one more time and and got ready to go to bed. I switched off the lights and starting thinking about what mht happen tomorrow especially with those eyes.

Why me? (Felix Sandman Fanfic) #Wattys2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora