𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 9. | 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭 ?

Start from the beginning

Eventually, he resorted to physical actions.

He slammed his sister against the hard wall.

I perked up slightly from this, and so did Ayanokouji from what I noticed.

I watched as he actually pulled out his phone and began recording the scene.

That was a smart move.

I figured I might as well too.

Upon taking my phone out I accidentally slipped, causing the bushes to rustle.

I didn't fall or anything, however it was close. That was very clumsy of me, but my legs are rather tired from couching here.

Through the slight crack in the bushes, I saw Ayanokouji turn his head over to me.

This is not good...

"You need to learn your place, Suzune." The Stern President spoke as he readied his free arm, ready to plunge it into his sisters abdomen with an open palm.

This had become malicious very quickly.

I took notice of Ayanokouji sprinting over, quicker than I could ever follow despite how good I believed my eyes to believe.

He took hold of The Presidents wrist, stopping the on coming attack.

I hurriedly grabbed my phone and began recording the scene, peaking my phone over the bushes.

I watched through the perfect crevasse. 

What was going to happen now?

The two males stared at each other, before Ayanokouji let him go.

It hasn't even been a second before The President attempted a strike on Ayanokouji, a clean and swift backhand. The latter boy dodged it perfectly. Next came an explosive kick to Ayanokouji's unguarded side, to which he side stepped just in time to dodge.

What incredible reflexes...

It seemed The President himself was very surprised by all of this, he tried to garb Ayanokouji, however was slapped away from his hand.

I couldn't believe I was able to record all of that, let alone witness it.

How was Ayanokouji so quick to react? Let alone counter back.

The President also impressed me, but I had heard from some passing by students that he was very good at martial arts. Along with Miyuki who had a brother in the student council that she already made contact with when she joined.

The President spoke to Ayanokouji after all of those attempted attacks.

Ayanokouji was questioned on his physical skills.

He told the other male he did piano and calligraphy.

What a bloody lie.

The President seemed to think it was joke form Ayanokouji.

However what he went on to say next caught me off guard.

He asked Ayanokouji for his name, who gave it honestly. The President proceeded to speak about a student who achieved all 50's on his entrance exam.

That boy was... Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

Exactly 50. Half of 100.

For one to do that, they would have to know pretty much every answer to each question on the exam, and on top of that, how to get a certain mark on multi mark questions.

How did Ayanokouji get into Class E with just 50% on his entrance exams? Did they also figure out he must be hiding his true intellect and that he probably could have scored 100?

Or was there more to it?

Ayanokouji as usual gave his causal and boring response, saying it was a coincidence.

How ridiculous.

The President demanded that his sister leaves.

It was just now the two boys.

The President was about to speak but was cut off by Ayanokouji revealing that he has been recoding. 

The President was definitely concerned and shocked from this. Even if most of it was audio since he had dropped it into his pocket.

Ayanokouji offered to delete it.

If he revived 1,000,000 private points that is.

While I was also planning to do something similar with the video I was still recording, I didn't exactly expect him to be so upfront about it. 

In the end, The President has no choice but to comply and hand over 1,000,000 private points to Ayanokouji. The latter boy deleted the video promptly and permanently.

The President thus felt safe,

Until my existence was mentioned.

Ayanokouji mentioned that there was another person hiding and probably recording.

He pointed at the bush I was in.


I panicked, stopping the recording and tried to retreat as sneakily as I could. They definitely heard me running away however.

Why did I even run away? I could have just casually revealed myself and requested points for the video my self.

I guess I just panicked since I was so caught up in thought...

I promptly arrived back at my dorm room.

Placing my phone on the table, and looking at it.

I have too many questions at the moment.

What should I do with the video right now?

Why was The President abusing his sister?

And most importantly,

Who is Kiyotaka Ayanokouji?


(( I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I wanted to keep writing and make it much longer but I guess I'll just include everything else in the next chapter since I want to head to bed early tonight. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning to go somewhere. ))

(( I'm feeling much better now luckily, not as sick as yesterday or any of the other days so that's great. We're gonna have the time skip to May 1st soon btw so just to give you guys a little heads up. ))

Published on: 6th May 2022.

Word Count: 1455.

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