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As per usual, I clung to the shadows, surveying the packed streets of Mos Espa from afar. Market Day had always been a cacophony of noise- unscrupulous vendors trying to flog their wares to unsuspecting tourists, locals bartering for a deal. I loved these days, but it wasn't the frequent burglaries that kept me entertained. It was the exotic fabrics: sumptuous silks and costly cashmeres in full, glorious technicolour, a feast for the eyes.

Today, my gaze was drawn to a scarlet cloak, the hem interwoven painstakingly with golden flowers. It took all my willpower to remain where I was in the umbra created by the leering buildings flanking my sides. Truth be told, the day was scorching, even by Tatooine standards, sweat beading on my forehead as I reluctantly pulled my eyes from the red cloth, shouldering the satchel I'd brought with me and stepping out into the crowded thoroughfare.

Almost instantaneously, I was apprehended by a Rodian, his aqua antennae twitching as he placed a spindly hand on my shoulder blades, guiding me towards his stall.

"Hello, little miss, you look like you're in need of a quality robe. Why don't you come over here and take a look. Half price for a darling like you."

I peered around his shoulder, my eyes widening momentarily as I realised that the scarlet cloak was hung up at the front of his stall. Against my better judgement, I nodded, letting my hands run through the lavish fabric. It reeked of opulence but I let myself peer at the tag. Just under 100 credits. I had that on me. I returned to the Rodian, tugging on his sleeve, letting myself become the innocent nine-year old I was supposed to be.

"Any that take your fancy?"

I nodded, pointing a finger in the general direction. "That one there. But... but I don't have the money." Tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

"What you got on you?"

"About 35 credits. I was supposed to go shopping for my mother, but she won't mind if I bring this back for her," I lied, drawing a circle in the sand with my foot.

"I'll go to 40, but that's as low as I can go."

"I'll take it," I beamed, watching as he folded the cloak up.

"Where are your folks?" he asked conversationally as I fished around in the suddenly cavernous bag for some credits. It hadn't seemed this big when I'd rammed the food for lunch in there earlier.

"At home. My father's probably taking care of some business."

"What's your father's name?"

"Jafan Stormlighter. You might know him." I picked at the layer of grime under my fingernails, knowing the effect that name would have on the merchant.

"That so? Give... give your father my best regards." Hastily, a bag was thrown in my direction and the Rodian moved off. I skipped off through the crowd, itching to drape the cloak over my shoulders.

Bag abandoned, I wrapped the luxurious fabric around myself, twirling in front of a grimy shop window. The cloak was considerably too large, swamping my already diminutive figure, but I figured I'd grow into it. The material swayed gently even once I'd stopped before dropping to the ground in a heap.

It was a luxury I had brought simply for the thrill of it, although I was sure some of my father's events would seem less dull in it. I slipped as quietly as I could through the shadows, tracing the familiar path through the back streets of the city to our usual meeting spot. Mercifully, the sun crept towards the horizon, courtesy of Rhutia, the sun god sentenced to eternally pulling the sun across the sky for daring to take water to the once arid plains of Naboo.

My mother had always been a devout follower of her religion, getting up to pray before the sun rose and once its caressing rays had been swallowed up by the desert. Her stories of solid golden palaces, bedecked in the most lavish fabrics and offering only the best food and drink never ceased to amaze my sister Sil and I as we lay under the open sky beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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