Sarah furrowed her eyebrows "why is that"

Natasha shrugged "I don't like the comments" she replied shortly

Sarah gave her a confused look but didn't push it.

Melina took a deep breath "now. What color? White or cream?" She asked again as she held up the two napkins

Natasha looked at the two napkins again and sighed "why don't you decide" 

Melina looked at the two napkin choices and decided on the cream ones. "Now. What theme do you want" she asked

Natasha sighed, to be honest she never really thought of these sorts of things. But then again she didn't think she'd get married until she was at least 25.

"Well I think a mystic themed wedding would be nice" Sarah suggested

"Really? I was thinking green. You know green really complements Natasha's eyes" Melina said

"Well, a mystic theme includes green" Sarah stated

"I'm going to get a beer" Alexi stated as he stood up from his spot having heard enough of the wedding planning "you boys care to join me" he asked

All the boys stood up but Sarah pulled Steve back down to his seat before he could leave. Steve gave his mother a confused look.

"You have to be present for this. It's your wedding too" she said

Steve sighed and nodded

"Sorry" Tony mouthed before he followed Alexi and Joseph to the bar

"What do you think" Melina asked

Natasha sighed "sounds great" she replied

"What about you Steve" she asked as she looked at her son who was slouched back in the seat

Steve nodded "yeah. It's great"

"You don't seem to enthusiastic about it" she stated

"Well forgive me for not wanting to marry miss Russian princess over there" he said as he looked over at Natasha

Natasha glared at Steve as she got up from her spot abruptly "you know what I'm sick of this. I know our families have been competition for years but that did not give you or Tony the right to treat me how you did. I've been nothing but nice to you two. Now you think I'm a princess, that my life's perfect well it's not and if you think I want to marry you you must be out of your damn mind" she shouted before she stormed out of the room

"Natalia-" Melina tried to call but it was to late Natasha had already slammed the library door behind her

Steve and his mother looked at the door in shock while Melina sighed "well, I guess we'll finish this tomorrow. Let's go eat" she said as she got up putting the photo album of ideas on one of the shelves.


"Where's Natalia" Alexi asked as he sat down at the table and noticed that the blonde was missing

Melina shrugged

"She isn't to happy" Sarah admitted as she eyed her son who sat across from her at the dinner table

Alexi furrowed his eyebrows but didn't say anything as he continued to eat the food in front of him. Natasha walked in a few moments later with a look of indifference on her face. She sat down at the table and put some salad on her plate.

"That's all your eating" Sarah asked as she looked at Natasha's plate

Natasha looked at her plate then back up at Sarah and nodded "um, yes"

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